4V 15995201090
1The Chief Officer,or First Mate as he is often called, is the Master's 遮 弃服 凹飞舍 奥 佛思特 妹特 艾思 嘿 意思 奥分 考的 意思 遮 麻思特思 chief officer and head of the Deck Department. He is assisted by a 弃服 凹飞舍 按的 嘿的 奥夫 遮 带克 抵怕特们特 嘿 意思 额西思忒的 掰 额 Second officer, a Third officer, and sometimes a Fourth officer, Several 晒肯的 凹飞舍 额 瑟的 凹飞舍 按的 萨木太木思 额 否思 凹飞舍 塞务若奥 companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer. The Deck 卡木帕内思 A
3如题 -- 来自 Sony Xperia Z2.