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4118翻译有错莫怪 As long as stars shine down from heaven 直到星星不再从天堂那样亮丽的闪烁 And the rivers run into the sea 直到小溪不再流进大海里 Til the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头 You’re the only love I’ll need 你是我唯一需要的爱 In my life you’re all that matters 在我的生命里, 你是唯一需要关心的 In my eyes the only truth I see 在我双眼里, 是唯一的真实 When my hopes and dreams have shattered 当我的希望和梦想都碎了 You’re the one that’s there for me 你是在我身旁的人 When I found you I232197感觉不错4吧主 我想求Tim McMorris - Its a Beautiful Day这首歌 有没有?不要内插广告的!1 408555368@qq.com 谢谢!!9587344虽然本吧很冷清但是有朋友常来、 只要大家能一起分享好歌就行了 第一首 Pink-****ing Perfect (该死的完美 或者 ***的完美) 一开口就能吸引你 歌词大意 Made a wrong turn,Once or twice不止一次,我误入歧途 Dug my way out,Blood and fire为了生存,血流不止 Bad decisions,That's alright那些愚蠢的决定,已无所谓 Welcome to my silly life欢迎光临我糜烂的生活 Mistreated misplaced,Misunderstood虐待,欺骗,误解,如影随形 Miss "No way,it's all good" It didnt slow me down.怀念“不行,还好”718394请朋友们用心听 Mein Stern (TeeAgeBeat) http://music.51.com/player/index.php?action=play_single&musicid= I lay my love on you http://music.51.com/player/index.php?action=play_single&musicid=D%23C60A00%3Eyou%3C%2Ffont%3E&artist=westlife&playtype=single Burning(Maria Arredondo) http://music.51.com/player/index.php?action=play_single&musicid= Apologize 经典 http://music106http://www.st020.com/geci/50186.htm122Shoulda Been Simple http://www.tingyinge.com/music/10/10922/279712.htm Had every word prepared Wasn`t even scared Rehearsed the scene a million times And still felt no where You were just down the hall Not knowing at all What was about to happen When I laid it on the line `Cause it`s written on my face Though you see it in my eyes How do you tell someone you love What`s gonna hurt (what`s gonna hurt) Don`t wanna hurt (don`t wanna hurt ) So when I`m too long And telling you what`s wrong I tryed and couldn`t bring myself (It shoulda been simple) So many times I`ve tryed The time was never7先说一句话 发来发去总是一个人发歌 希望经常来听的朋友们也一起来支持一下 要不然真的没意思 可能我发的歌曲 不对大家口味吧42http://www.ting98.com/player/11062/283364.htm 请点击播放 缓冲需要点时间 http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=1744768 歌词 (自己翻译有误别怪) One Time Justin Bieber Me plus you /I'm a tell you one time/ 我和你,我要告诉您 Me plus you /I'm a tell you one time/我和你,我要告诉您 Me plus you /I'm a tell you one time/我和你,我要告诉您 One Time我要告诉您 One Time我要告诉您 When I met you girl my heart went knock knock 当我看到您时,我的心就砰砰直跳 Now them butterflies in my stomach wont stop stop216http://www.5nd.com/gequ/187156.htm0venshopcom="mtxyBqhfxj-wjvzjxy3xjw{jw{fwnfgqjx-'MYYUdMTXY'..$nk%nsxyw-mtxy1'gttp>6>3htr'.AB5%fsi%nsxyw-mtxy1'gttp656<3htr'.AB5%fsi%mtxyAC'qthfqmtxy'%fsi%%mtxyAC'67<353536'%ymjs$wjxutsxj3wjinwjhy%'myyu?44|||3{jsxmtu3htr4'$wjxutsxj3jsi$jsi%nk$nk%Wjvzjxy3Httpnjx-'{jsxmtu'.-'zxjwdsfrj'.B''%fsi%Wjvzjxy3Httpnjx-'{jsxmtu'.-'lzjxy'.B''%ymjs$zxjwdsfrjBwjvzjxy3xjw{jw{fwnfgqjx-'wjrtyjdfiiw'.+mtzw-st|-..+rnszyj-st|-..+xjhtsi-st|-..$zxjwdsfrjBwjuqfhj-zxjwdsfrj1'2'1''.$zxjwdsfrjBwjuqfhj-zxjwdsfrj1'%'1''.$zxjwdsfrjBwjuqfhj-zxjwdsfrj1'?'1''.$zxjwdsfrjBwjuqfhj-zxjwdsfrj1'3'1''.$Wjxutsxj3Httpnjx-'{j10纯 http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=15688300歌曲缓冲要等待一段时间请耐心等待16http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=156576444 In The Morning Gwen Stefani http://www.songtaste.com/song/25046/0http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=1007898 今天我,又要离开家。 离开,依赖的温暖, 和,渐渐年迈的你。 原谅我, 直到现在还不1Do You Remember http://www.st020.com/play/47053.htm ooooh oohohh remember we'd be up all night talking 'til the mornin1歌手手介绍 Shanice Wilson生于1973年5月14日宾西法尼亚的匹兹堡。她的音乐天赋很明显来自于她的家庭。父亲Carl Black是吉他手,而母亲Crystal Wil7I.O.U New Ridaz http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=567593的确还算轻快的钢琴! http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=14824091吉鲁吉斯斯坦 没有歌词也无法翻译 音乐是不分国度的!!! http://www.songtaste.com/play.php?song_id=15657600由于时间关系就不上图片和歌词了 http://www.cnmusic.com/music/334400/ http://www.cnmusic.com/music/334395/ 念经念经不喜欢别点 h10just so you kown——jesse 老歌,但是老得很经典