0四川店之翼怎么样靠谱吗? 四川店之翼怎么样靠谱吗? 四川店之翼怎么样靠谱吗?
0无奈被系统删了.......等人工恢复 如果过几天还没恢复我再发.......
161]想知道关于b仔c仔的一切xxoo..............问吧大 2]想知道b仔c仔的网站..............问吧大 3]想看b仔c仔私人的公开的嫩的装嫩的图...............找吧大 4]想看两人在yout*be上的七八视频.............问吧大 5]看不懂英文报导.............找吧大(而且她会跟你说她英语很菜) 6]想要各种有爱的下载物b仔的音乐c仔走秀视频云云..........找吧大 7]在christiansiriano吧没事...找吧大 ......别说是喵仔指使你滴XD
1共10集,已完结,Christian Siriano是常驻评委之一 完整介绍: http://www.youku.com/show_page/id_zce2e00a2b5fa11e5b32f.html 第一集: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTUyNDE0OTIxMg==.html
6这次的灵感来自美国艺术家Sheila Hicks的毛线针织作品 VOGUE也就是STYLE.COM的高清组图和Review FALL 2016 READY-TO-WEAR Christian Siriano NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 14, 2016by HAYLEY PHELAN Knitwear for evening? This was the somewhat questionable premise Christian Siriano pursued with his Fall 2016 collection, inspired by American artist Sheila Hicks’s yarn and knit-based works. In the red carpet designer’s hands, however, even chunky knits became something sexy and feminine. Take, for instance, a knit contraption that was wrapped enticingly around the collarbone to form a mi
01小C30岁生快! Thank you Cosmopolitan for having me on your panel today. And thank you for my cake and all the sweet birthday wishes!! ♥ Nov 14th at 3PM / reblog / 18 notes http://csiriano.tumblr.com/post/133217956559/thank-you-cosmopoli 这张其实是14号的图,提前庆生 正式迈入30岁的自拍图 It’s happening I’m officially 30 years old! Aghghfhghgjgj and all I want is a @onekingslane gift card. Friends take note….. ♥ Nov 18th at 12AM / reblog / 6 notes http://csiriano.tumblr.com/post/133448210574/its-happening-im-of 时间过得太快了,前一阵子还又重新10http://www.bilibili.com/video/av6254519/9Today I will be showing my 20th ready-to-wear collection. It’s hard to believe how much time has passed but I owe it to hard work, passion and my amazing team. It has been so wonderful dressing women from all over the world and thank you to everyone who has supported me as a young designer with no hesitation. I started creating as a young kid who just loved clothing and grew to love making women feel great in them even more. I can’t wait to grow and continue in this fun, beautiful, crazy, wild, unforgiving, stressful but wonderful life as an American designer. Thank you for all the love e71PRE-FALL 2017 Christian Siriano NEW YORK, DECEMBER 7, 2016by STEFF YOTKA A Polish painter of ballerinas, Victorian portraiture, and illustrations of birds all hung on Christian Siriano’s mood board for Pre-Fall. But the inspiration is neither here nor there when it comes to Siriano’s business and design ethos. His motives are clear: Create a collection that lives as happily on the sales floor as it does on the backs of women who adore him, from Christina Hendricks to Neve Campbell to Leslie Jones. In those arenas, Siriano can mark Pre-Fall a success. A tie-sleeve day dress has hanger appea8http://weibo.com/3166201767 或搜索ChristianSiriano 上述地址是小C的粉丝微博,我们会定期发布关於小C最近的情况、Runway show等,希望各位粉丝能够0我爱Running man的每一位成员。 感谢你们带来的欢笑 感谢你们的无限付出 感谢你们的一直不停歇的奔跑,3克里斯蒂安西里亚诺有了亚洲官网了~~~~ http://www.christiansiriano.hk/12824