0经核实吧主甲斐之风 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 contiki吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0make: *** [obj_mb851/rimeaddr.o] Error 1
2现在什么东西都能联网,灯泡、恒温器、咖啡机,甚至是动物。 獾是一种长时间居于地下的动物,让动物学家和生物学家很难确定他们的行踪,GPS等技术在地下也往往不能正常工作。不过在五年前,牛津大学的研究人员Andrew Markham和Niki Trigoni发明了一种可用于地下的无线追踪系统,而这一系统是基于一个开源操作系统Contiki。 “Contiki的作用很大,它允许快速成型,也很容易在不同硬件平台上切换。”Markham表示。 Contiki不如大家熟知的Windows,OS X和Linux
0Contiki RDC不是属于IEEE802.15.4的规范么?
0现在可以进入休眠,但是不能唤醒。 通过查资料知道etimer可以唤醒,但是配置后就无法进入休眠了。 能给
1Win32 native TI CC2530 TI CC2430 TI MSP430 STM32 Atmel AVR Freescale MC1322x LPC2103 等
0The Sensortag has an an array of built-in sensors, for which the Contiki 3.0 release adds device drivers that are ready to be used out of the box: infrared ambient temperature sensor, ambient light sensor, humidity sensor, barometric pressure sensor, a magnet sensor, and a 9-axis accelerometer and gyroscope.
0Instant Contiki is an entire Contiki development environment in a single download. It is an Ubuntu Linux virtual machine that runs in VMWare player and has Contiki and all the development tools, compilers, and simulators used in Contiki development installed. Instant Contiki is so convenient that even hardcore Contiki developers use it.
0Contiki is designed to operate in extremely low-power systems: systems that may need to run for years on a pair of AA batteries. To assist the development of low-power systems, Contiki provides mechanisms for estimating the system power consumption and for understanding where the power was spent.
0Contiki provides a full IP network stack, with standard IP protocols such as UDP, TCP, and HTTP, in addition to the new low-power standards like 6lowpan, RPL, and CoAP. The Contiki IPv6 stack, developed by and contributed to Contiki by Cisco, is fully certified under the IPv6 Ready Logo program.
0Contiki is designed for tiny systems, having only a few kilobytes of memory available. Contiki is therefore highly memory efficient and provides a set of mechanisms for memory allocation: memory block allocationmemb, a managed memory allocator mmem, as well as the standard C memory allocator
0Contiki provides both community support, through the Contiki developer community, and commercial support.
0Contiki is open source software: Contiki can be freely used both in commercial and non-commercial systems and the full source code is available.
0Contiki is developed by a world-wide team of developers with contributions from Atmel, Cisco, ETH, Redwire LLC, SAP, Thingsquare, and many others, led by Adam Dunkels ofThingsquare.
0Contiki provides powerful low-power Internet communication. Contiki supports fully standard IPv6 and IPv4, along with the recent low-power wireless standards: 6lowpan, RPL, CoAP. With Contiki's ContikiMAC and sleepy routers, even wireless routers can be battery-operated.
0Contiki是一个专门针对物联网或者无线传感器网络应用的操作系统和协议栈,在科研以及产业化方便得到广泛的应用。在该领域,还有一个知名的类似的系统- TinyOS
0Contiki is designed to run on types of hardware devices that are severely constrained in memory, power, processing power, and communication bandwidth. A typical Contiki system has memory on the order of kilobytes, a power budget on the order of milliwatts, processing speed measured in megahertz, and communication bandwidth on the order of hundreds of kilobits/second. Such systems include many types of embedded systems, and old 8-bit computers.
0Contiki 是一个适用于有内存的嵌入式系统的开源的、高可移植的、支持网络的多任务操作系统。包括一个多任务核心、TCP/IP 堆栈、程序集以及低能耗的无线通讯堆栈。Contiki 采用 C 语言开发的非常小型的嵌入式操作系统,运行只需要几K的内存。