0hi anybody there?
0什么是linguistic characteristic? 最近学社会语言学,当中有一个点是说语言与族群的。其中有一段是这么说的(翻译过来):当涉及到两种语言的时候我们用linguistic characteristic来识别某一族群,比如说在加拿大有说法语的和英语的,我们都是通过他们的native language来分辨族群的。当涉及到的只是一种语言的几种变体的时候我们就要用language来区分族群,比如说美国的黑人英语和标准的英语。那这里linguistic characteristic和language该怎么理解比较好呢,还是说这
10语言学电子书 http://blog.niwota.com/a/1064474.htm
8Structuralism and Saussure Let's start by talking about structuralism in general as a philosophical stance or worldview. Structuralists are interested in the interrelationship between UNITS, also called "surface phenomena," and RULES, which are the ways that units can be put together. An example is Tinkertoys. The "units" in a tinkertoy set are all the parts in the box: the various colored rods of different lengths, the various kinds of connectors and wheels and attachments; the "rules" of tinkertoy construction is that rods go into holes. That's the structure of tinkertoys: everything you ca
0《Pragmatics》,Yule,G..Oxford University Press,1996 为方便广大考研盟友,特将此绝版书低价转让,此油印书为华中科技大学图书馆内不外借的珍藏书籍,有意向者,请加我QQ:516880494,价格详谈!
0《Introducing Applied Linguistics》,Corder,S.Pit,Middlesex,England:Penguin Books,1982 为方便广大考研盟友,特将此绝版书低价转让,此油印书为华中科技大学图书馆内不外借的珍藏书籍,有意向者,请加我QQ:516880494,价格详谈!
3How to translate "Instructed Second Language Acquisition" into Chinese?
1acquisition vs. learning transfer vs. interference error vs. mistake 不知道都有什么区别,希望哪位高手可以帮忙解答,非常感谢!
0project 的题目,要从哪几个方面来分析呢?
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1Charles F. Hockett David Crystal John Lyons
2英语语言学论坛 http://www.lforums.com/
2语言学 学习与研究 http://www.linguistics.com.cn/
2推荐一个不错的网址 http://www.aclweb.org/ 电脑语言学学会为一研究电脑语言学的国际性学术组织,该组织为语言及电脑语言学问题研究的专业人士提供交流平台.
0计算机辅助翻译qq群 16389715
1Political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky gives lecture entitled 'Democracy Promotion: Reflections on Intellectuals and the State' at 7pm in O'Reilly Hall in UCD. A public lecture hosted by the School of Philosophy and the UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies. Lownload at http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=16147
0Charles F. Hockett earned a Ph.D. He was a college professor and an author. All of these tasks were related to one thing, the study of language. Linguistics is the study of human speech including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language. Language is a system that relates sounds and gestures to meanings, something animals do not possess. (1) Charles F. Hockett has written a book called a Course In Modern Linguistics, published in 1958. In this book he spoke of the stringing together of words and how the letters of word, such as "ouch" when strung together form a word, but
0Biography Noam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His undergraduate and graduate years were spent at the University of Pennsylvania where he received his PhD in linguistics in 1955. During the years 1951 to 1955, Chomsky was a Junior Fellow of the Harvard University Society of Fellows. While a Junior Fellow he completed his doctoral dissertation entitled, "Transformational Analysis." The major theoretical viewpoints of the dissertation appeared in the monograph Syntactic Structure, which was published in 1957. This formed part of a more extensive work, The L
2Introducing Professor Michael Halliday for his Plenary Talk at JASFL 2001 Tohoku University Noboru Yamaguchi, Tohoku University The 9th JASFL Conference at Tohoku University, 6-7 October 2001 Title: Managing Meaning: a Systemic Functional View of How Language Works