51求问有没有清晰度高一点的那个沙滩tv秀0经核实吧主shampookagura 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 zahia吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组02我想问她演的一部电影就是机器人那个加什么名字32http://s.sohu.com/20110118/n278944326.shtml451收集了一些zahia dehar的资料 大家也提供一些吧2387不知不觉,潜水排到第一名了。。。继续签下去吧。。。zahia的新闻最近确实有点少。好冷清1吧里有人吗,平安夜快乐呀。圣诞节又到啦,元旦还远吗?又是一年了,感慨下41L ZAHIA5这里珊璞639喜欢的话点击右键收藏吧4Zahia Dehar: Prostitute In French World Cup Team's Sex Scandal - FILE PHOTOS FILE PHOTOS Pictures show Zahia Dehar, a prostitute at the center of a sex scandal rocking France's World Cup soccer team. Call girl Zahia Dehar makes up to ,000 a night for her "services." While prostitution in France is not illegal, she was underage at the time that she slept with Franck Ribery, Karim Benzema, and Sidney Govou. She came forward after police raided Cafe Zaman, a notorious brothel on teh Champs Elysee. The men now face up to three years in prison, though she doesn't think they should be punished, as t5September 13, 2011 - Source: Bauer Griffin 2011年 9月13日 Zahia Dehar shows off her figure in a very tight dress at LAX while walking her dog.Zahia caught headlines when she and the French soccer team were busted in an underage-prostitution scandal. She recently posed for a sizzling pictorial in the Italian issue of the Vanity Fair Magazine impersonating Marilyn Monroe.1332573382019@qq.com5天使尤物510