0经核实吧主来自七班 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 中大附中7吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
7我认为是意大利语。强调元音,饱满,辅音亦有爆发力,还有双辅音,r非常好听,使意大利语有很强的节奏感。意语单词全部以元音结尾,重音在倒数第二音节。(和西语、葡语一样。)总之,意语比法语都好听。第二是法语。第三是葡语(葡语鼻音好听,辅音也比西语好听,葡语还有西语没有的鼻音)第四才是西语。由于我没学过西语(只会一点)和法语,有错请大佬指正。 听人说:葡萄牙人懂西语,西班牙人却难动葡语,尽管二者很接近。 据
19班花:谷盈 班草:卢璐
5oh man. i know who u are. u are 李星河, aren't u. i've told u u don't have to show us how much english or french u've learned, but u still don't want to use chinese. what the hell u are talking about? Chinese english.oh man, how dare u say that,do u know what does it mean? u'd better use chinese or get out from here right now!!!!!!!!! oh my god, are u crazy? u are not bad at playing football, then chinese football team will win the worldcup!!! U can write some good articles, then i must have earache.do u remember, YOUR chinese teacher told u before that YOUR ARTICLE IS CHILDIS.lol oh ma
3this world must be crazy!! U asked me to respect the owner of this place??? do u see that, the owner asked u why u can't just use the language that all we know to send the message. that's funny, u asked me to RESPECT the owner but it's u don't RESPECT the owner here first.
2英语: I love you Hello I am Chinese 法语: Je t'aime发音:热的姆 Bonjour(Bonsoir)帮儒(帮丝袜) Je suis chinois(e)(热丝瑜信瓦)如果是女的,就是je suis chinoise 结尾的s要发出来 西班牙语: Te amo得阿谋 Hola哦拉 Soy Chino(所以其耨) 意大利语: Ti amo(地啊谋) Ciao(查哦) Sono cino(搜耨其耨) 葡萄牙语: Ti-amo(地啊姆) Olá(哦拉) Sou Chino(搜西努) 德语: Ich liebe dich(一西立业不地西) Hallo(哈咯) Ich bin chinesisch(一席宾信西玺)
2这个神超猛..不仅是数学英语"尖子生"..并在制造浪漫气氛方面也是大有研究...举例论证:以下是一段神写下的纪实故事..."在中秋节的那个晚上,我们并排躺在草坪上..风轻轻地吹着像她在抚摸著我的脸..突然..蜡烛熄灭了...我们就...................................(省略无数个省略号............).....................各自回家了........ (全班虚声四起.....)
1i'm silly? how do u know that? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? the god? I can tell u, i'm fine. why do i have to tell u, u don't have to know that freak!!! actually i know everything about u! do u know, u are thoughless, lazy, and always like talking about other people.oh, how can i forget that, u are CHILDISH. keep that in your mind!!!
0You use warning instead of warn! You are silly! Aren't you chinese? WHy do u use english? And i have friends, they admitted it. You don't recognize me, how can you appraise me as a man who really understand me!
0u have friends? then u must be crazy. u know, i'm very sympathetic. i can tell u,in fact those guys u called friends aren't your friends.i know u won't believe me, but it's the truth.one day, when u meet one of your friends, u can ask him. ok,this isn't the point, the thing i want to say is stoping useing english.u'r chinese,aren't u. so why not use chinese. actually your english is also VERY BAD!!!!!!!
0The book is called "Les dates de Bornapate Napoléon". It is originally wirtten in french, you can read the english or chinese virsion. Lulu can read the frech virsionbecause her good french.
3这个巴是不是附中所有七班的聚集地阿? 我初一的~
0SInce the end of 2006, I have written 30 articles in my blog!
0I've got a new blog. http://zdfz36.spaces.live.com
0The web is http://picasaweb.google.com/zsuschool36/
0Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan semora per te Camminiamo not accanto ai nostri eroi sopra un campo verde somo un cielo blu conquistate vooi una stella in piu ha brillate in nore insieme cantiamo Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan semora per te con il Milan nel cuore nel profondo dell anma un vsio amico seve insieme cantiamo Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan semora per te con il sogno che la violenza no non ti sporchi maie insieme cantiamo Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan sempre per te Milan Milan solo con te Milan Milan sempre per te......
0西班牙语中的“and”是y, 意大利语中的是e,读音很相近。意语有一个定冠词是il,西语则有el,读音一样。拉丁语族的语言很接近拉。西班牙语受了阿拉伯语印象(如v和b的发音,x的发音。)法语严重日耳曼化,仅拼写相似与拉丁。葡萄牙语受外来语影响较少,意大利语则是拉丁语的florotina方言。
0I intented t owrite this news in italian, but my vocobulary in very very pooooor! lol! So, i tell you guys in english: the milan derby will matching on 11st of Mar, at 22:00 of beijing time. Who'll watch the match. The 266th Milan Derby: FCInterzionale Milano-Associazione Calcio Milano. I guess that milano will win l'inter with 1-2! lol! And if it happen, many milaniste will be excited and happy.
0C'e solo wangxin della nostro scuoloa. Essa è molto brutto. La odio. Avversiono wangxin. e tu? e voi?
0Attenzione: Lulu studia il frenciano. E: Xujiacheng non ama lulu, lei ama.
2who are you???? i want 2 know aren't you xingheli?? or zihongli??? don't speak Spanish!!!! you can speak english or french~ 唔好成日扮晒也啊 系chinese就讲中文啦
1Io studio l'italiano. Che studi?
0This website'll be my official web site:http://hi.baidu.com/sys/checkuser/CALCIOITALIANA/3
7In the UEFA Champions League, Liverpool will fighting with Baça.
2希望大家都能到我的百度空间哦 今天才刚刚开通 不过我会尽快完善空间的 希望大家多多支持我哦 >.< 每一位访客的到来都是我的惊喜,