1[世上最雷cos秀] http://comic.qq.com/a/20100818/000003.htm#p=1 .....不解释..
3= =你懂的
20_______________________________________________________. Among the nonsense tragedies ,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much maybe I overlooked something fatal for me So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the wellbeing you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please while I am interrupting myself
22相信我这玩意只是因为童童那天突然说的一句:“诶你说如果情妹妹穿到落幕里会怎样啊?”而产生出来的…… 风格跟《落幕》相差甚远,于是请甚 请无视混乱的世界观、人物关系及人物设定= =当然大部分还是延续下来了…… 即可球我那么多文要赶为毛没事找事又增加一个啊!
5你不放出来就算了这次放出来还如此崩坏 蝎本来就不是那种会把水若小姐做成傀儡的木头叔 什么如果我不是AB爹就不要用那么肯定的语气说话老子是蝎吧吧主虽然没威严但好歹名字在那! 这种人根本无法沟通我还以为她好点了呢没想到理解错了。
9卧了个槽的我当时想了半天结果改了那道题回来一看 玛德改错了[砸地]! 今天在外头呆了1个多小时热的我晕头转向衣服整个都快湿透了[= =] 史特!那道题扣我一半的分T皿T!结果整个数学考试最简单的就是加分题啊太杯具了吧!那个最简单了就是一开始我看方程式好长没理它||| 默默内牛 而且我拿到Version B结果复习的基本都没在上头…… 槽槽槽我还以为9.5会考很多那又是最后一课结果一题都没有!玛德一题没有叫我情何以堪啊! [内牛]那么热脑子一
10周杰伦说到底还是逃不掉商业化, [跨时代]里的autotune听得我想吐. 但是! 烟花易冷还是很耐听的. 尽管开头结尾的地方一点擦碟声有点乱入OTZL
0于是我很顺利的倒戈- =我果然爱连多一点……
15话说我拖了7个多月…… 终于有动力了哈哈哈哈!我就说嘛这样的文难不倒我的![叉腰仰天血泪笑]
22OTL写的真傻…… 于是别在后头回复啊去开新帖子就好…… _______________________________________________________. Among the nonsense tragedies ,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much maybe I overlooked something fatal for me So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the wellbeing you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please while I am interrupting myself
4如题. 咦我居然打出黑括号【!】
24=__________________________________________________,= _________________________________________________. 看吧 天空中云彩的涟漪、呈现着杏黄色和绛紫色 西沉的夕阳,给天空带来了一抹绮丽 这一切,宛如梦幻一般 风,从何处吹来 或许穿越了远方的大海、经历了长途跋涉 风将吹向何处、何时 又能在这样的日子里 带来令人眷恋的愁绪、悠闲空余的时间里 凉台无法承受我的寂寞 天空中,第一颗星星,露出了光芒 明日、一定是个晴天吧 风吹向何处 无人知
1上次和图图打电话的时候她跟我说我那种dramatic的生活可以写一本比小时代要精彩的书,不行的话可以写一本老时代。 27/04,那天我见到他来着,18/04那天我收到他的邮件,但gmail我不常用一直不查所以到很久后才回的……现在看我的回信觉得太傻了啊真的,不过真的,当时我看他的邮件我就觉得自己真没用一点忙也帮不上。 不过怎样我也帮不上忙啊,我不在日本……总觉得如果我在那边可能会添麻烦。 可能性很大吧,可照现在看起来计算我在那边也
15刚刚查了一下蝎吧的日历 我要死了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!! 端午节不是刚过完么怎么又来了我记得我前几个月刚把端午的贺文写完啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!! 7月18是空子的生日老子怎么着也得蹭出一篇文吧!鼠鼠的我还没给童童和布偶的生日立马就到! 快!快点来催我稿啊!!!
8没破2100…… 估计是我写的最短的文 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
33于是回帖在这里回谢谢……[扶额+鞠躬[那是怎样的姿势啊喂! _______________________________________________________. Among the nonsense tragedies ,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much maybe I overlooked something fatal for me So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the wellbeing you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please while I am interrupting myself
1我说能注意下格式吧 复制一下改个字那个难是吧难的弄一下就死了是吧 卧了个槽的先不说我讨厌裸梨就吧里那些个发言框每次都出现在页面上头不用像我们似的拉下去然后再发言的家伙真是可恶啊混蛋
291L留空 要填资料的 __________________________________________________________________. Among the nonsense tragedies ,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much maybe I overlooked something fatal for me So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the wellbeing you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please while I am interrupting myself
8对啊……是什么啊…… _______________________________________________________. Among the nonsense tragedies ,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much maybe I overlooked something fatal for me So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the wellbeing you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please while I am interrupting myself
61=_____,=写得越来越欢了[尤其是今天看了寒蝉ova3后] 所以搬过来吧……
0You are my FOREVER _______________________________________________________. Among the nonsense tragedies ,what on earth you are looking for? You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much maybe I overlooked something fatal for me So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold? What is the wellbeing you are willing to make? Now what? So what? Don’t you come interrupt me, oh please while I am interrupting myself
68肯定会继续增加的 = =应该不会有人要吧?