0是never feeling so warm the bed was 还是never feeling so warm was the bed?
2Please always contact LK logistics to confirm T1 issue and delivery address in advance before delivery. shipper is asking an estimated transportation time from Duisburg to Cnee's warehouse, please advise.
0最近在看英文诵典,第一篇LIFE IS TO BE WHOLE,请教一下这个The cercle wanted...,so it went...这是两个完整的句子,为什么可以变成一句?Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece.
0I like the gifts that the boy sent to me. The reason why I am writting to you is to express my apologies. 这两句话的定语从句中都有to为什么第一话不缺宾语,而第二句话的定语从句中不缺宾语
1①It has all those elements of the science that help calm kids down and help them focus and communicate. ②It has all those elements of the science that helps calm kids down and helps them focus and communicate. 虚心请教哪句是对,主要是help还是helps,劳烦各位看看。感激不尽。
0例句“Also, your paternal or maternal instincts come into play because helpless living things are depending on you, require training and encouragement and protection from enemies. ”中 为什么require可以用动词原形?不应该是要用非谓语形式嘛 求大佬解答,感谢
0这里有个句子,Using named argument passing removes any ambiguity as to which formal argument of each value is to be passed. 翻译如下,使用命名参数传递可以消除关注应将每个值传递给哪个形式参数的任何歧义。这里有一个问题想请教各位大佬,这个句子中as to…后边的从句应该如何理解,主要是不明白里边的of有什么作用,希望能有好心人指点迷津。
0110【全网最简单易懂的倒装句教程-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/fDKX4K162Always do to the others as you would be done by. 这句话哪是主句,哪是从句1——Lily, a concert is being held in our school for the birthday of the Communist Youth League of China(CYLC). ——I know it has been 100 years since CYLC___B____. A. born B. was born C. is born D. has born 上周回家,读初中的妹妹问这道题为什么选 "B" 而不选 "D" 呢?我那点微薄的语法知识早就忘没了,不知道从语法角度怎么解释给她听 我理解的是根据语境是说CYLC已经被诞生100年了,was born 表过去被动,但是妹妹说她在句子里读不出来被动,她选的 D,has+过去分词,表示现在之前31eg. Don’t you like summer. 是否为否定祈使句 可否译为:你不要喜欢夏天。 Don’t you like summer? 否定一般疑问句 可否译为:你不喜欢夏天吗? 如若上述成立是否可以理解为这两种语法句式有所雷同,区别于语气差异?请教大神,望不吝赐教,谢谢2有需要语法的,找我哦,基本包括了,小中大学的语法,能碰到的基本包含了,系统语法,从基础讲解,v姐语法!私我留言!3Hello,안녕하세요,こんにちは,hola,大家好,本人是多国语爱好者,10年间学习了五种外语,分别是粤语,英语,韩语,日语,西班牙语。前三个到了母语水平,日语中级可正常交流,西语初级,以后还会学习俄语,法语和德语。在这么多年的学习过程中,发现很多人的学习方法都是错误或低效的(主要是因为我们老师传统的教法,音标,语法,背单词,纠音等,这些对学语言就是几乎没用的) 本人最近开始创业做一个免费教学的网站,跟据自己学多语言11想要过英语四级。语法我想从零学。因为英语太差了。有没有小哥哥小姐姐推荐什么书0Why did they only yell but fight? 为什么他们仅仅是大喊而没有打斗? 这句话对不对?0That we would be obliged to dodge the unseen from all directions wasconfirmed when Dill ahead of us spelled G-o-d in a whisper. 我们别无他法,只有小心躲避来自四面八方的看不见的危险,只要走在前面的迪尔压低声音叫一声“天哪”,那肯定是出了什么情况。 下面是翻译,是进行了增译吗,有点看不懂