0经核实吧主__零几 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 八八得九吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0经核实吧主_得九 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 八八得九吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2哈哈哈想象中是2020 0909 爱你久久 然后迫不及待的情况下 123就嫁了 哈哈哈疫情席卷的情况 就打了个蜜月 时过境迁 看着以前的人 很多人都有孩子了 都是以前一起玩贴吧的人啊 哎 就是以前的伙伴 话说我也很久没用电脑了 打字起来生疏而怎么了 再怎么说大学也是淘宝客服呀啊哈哈号
2sj完很多人的我 刚刚才发现
2觉得未来不是为少儿服务就是为老人服务了 都很喜欢
3那年我高一 2010-2011 你们高三啊 卧槽是高四yoyo高三 不过和他都不熟 甘肥高二 天天约 高二 2011-2012 你们大
2不做吧主好多年 出了那么多哎烦 请叫我不思进取不想进步不想更新三 啦啦啦气泡要会员会员要钱我没钱
0为了防止盗号造成误添小吧主,添加小吧主前请先进行安全验证 验证方式密保手机131******36短信验证码意
01.要实在,不要花言巧语 说话和办事一样,都讲究实在,不要一味追求使用华丽的词藻来装饰,更不要哗
2一直关粉丝关关注关动态现在又开了-_-以前觉得被别人看到感觉隐私什么的都没了。。现在真的毫无感觉随意吧=_=雅蠛蝶 孩子最让母亲心碎的一刻是什么时候?就是那个孩子想放弃自己的那一刻。
2寻宝大行动 参加人员:集体 游戏规则:先准备好“宝物”(即字条上可以写“表演节目、获得奖品等),然后把宝物分布在各各隐蔽的地方,接着,各寻宝者开始找寻“宝物”,找到 “宝物”的寻宝者不得随意打开“宝物”,由主持人对奖。主持人根据“宝物”的内容给“宝物”的主人对奖。比如:宝物里写着“学猫叫三声,奖励苹果两个”那么“宝物”的主人就得按“宝物”的内容去做,然后,主持人给予相应的奖励 。
9好多材料都是铁丝好心塞! 工业设计的小伙伴我们做友吧!
51L 度娘不爱淘宝
0从不用开空调。可是在学校热趴了好想家里的空调。。。所以回家就算不热我还是开空调……||-_-造孽啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 ( ̄「 ̄)让我冷死吧
01L 真爱在哪里
2>o<各种制作方法加上某些饮食注意事项^3^马克 时间会带你去最正确的人身边。请先好好爱着自己。然后那个还不知道在哪里的人,会来接你。from《岁月的童话》
0黄 薇 李桂芳 吴剑锋 ( 1.浙江工业大学 工业设计研究所,浙江 杭州 310023; 2. 浙江工业大学 艺术学院,浙江 杭州 310023) 摘 要: 针对我国游乐玩具设计缺乏专业化设计理论指导的问题,分析多元智能理论应用于游乐玩具设计的可行性,研究该理论的 8 种智能之一的数理/逻辑智能在游乐玩具设计中的应用,提出了充分理解各种智能的内涵及其培养方法、充分考虑儿童的智能发展规律、理性组合各种智能等多元智能理论在游乐玩具设计中的应用方法。通
3@花戴柑 哥哥看得好兴奋
0╮(╯▽╰)╭越来越不懂矜持了 啊 女神的高贵冷艳呢 啊 女神的光芒呢 啊 不要做那么多女屌做的事情= =
0My grandma was very happy to see that I had turned into a strong young man when I went back to visit her. We chatted and recalled some events from my childhood. Half way through, my grandma sighed and said, "Maybe I'll never be able to see you again." I got a shock and gave her my arched-eyebrow inquiries, not knowing what made her say something so disturbing. We sat in silence for a while and my grandma's eyes filled with tears. She finally told me that the doctor said she had a serious heart problem and she had already suffered a few attacks. In spite of continuous treatment, her condition h
21. William likes thegirl a lot so he tries very hard to impress her and is optimistic that he willwin her heart. 2. He is very creative and has a good vision of the future, but he likes tokeep things to himself. 3. They came from a poor village where people were shut off from moderncivilization. 4. We must work hard and make an effort to achieve the goals that we have set. 5. We should learn to be content with all that we have and should not be toocritical about things around us. 6. They often represent our school in debating competitions; tonight we willthrow a party to celebrate their succes
0In recent days, Chinese has gotten worldwide attention. More and more foreigners start learning Chinese. The increasing interest is due to the rise of Chinese economic and culture in the wold. First of all, with China's growing international influence, in order to strengthen trade, many foreign firms should have some employees who are talented of Chinese. Next, the Confucius culture appeals to more and more people all over the world. Only by learning Chinese can they understand its broad and profound cultural connotation better, so more foreigners take part in the group to learn Chinese. Last
10我会憧憬。 我会期待。 我会努力。
0@花戴柑 唔好意思咯 要你做垃圾桶 当我还是好憋屈 如果是壕就好了 讲钱伤感情