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10370力劲压铸机280T的顶杆长度是多少?求告知30谁有力劲宁波和上海采购或技术联系方式,有用信息红包100。044力劲又有新变化,小江的无能已大白于力劲,你的结束是因为你身边没用的人太多了,其中小木子就是力劲最水的货,小江你太差了!!!!!!!6我都不好意思说出口、还是你们猜猜看是多少3居然人这么少5签三方的实习生在这如果试用期就过不了,离职需要负什么责任么?有违约金什么的么1请前辈们赐教5我了解贵司的产品,我是卖研华工控机的,想必贵司应该用的上,可是打了好多电话也不帮忙转接!哪位好心的大哥可以告诉我啊。。 1307780720616月份调薪了,底薪从2030调到2130了!但是,我的考核工资怎么少了100???从老员工口中得知这是公司历来的提薪方式!呵呵,我服了00急需160T热式锌合金压铸机一台,带取件手8撒播空气文化期望任凭感 发 发望发望任凭感化???????? 发望任凭感化???????? 计划噶棵;浪费 脚后跟;恺撒;哦哦撒;;;化?????????? 灯笼裤机;发布会地方 和;和;会机;化和;会机;化???? 迪斯科开绿灯连脚裤地方 连脚裤地方风?? 连脚裤地方风???????? 连脚裤地方风??连脚裤地方风??b b趴愕胤椒????下面促进 昆仑山搭街坊变成1急需力劲或捷迅188T冷式机一台,谢谢138291811760The pressure intensifier is required to obtain a high pressure at the intensification phase. This is automatically switched on as required in relation with the programmed nominal curve. The gas side of the pressure intensifier is connected to the nitrogen bottles via a shut off valve. This can be pre charged by means of the Buhler economy system. A rupture disk avoids overcharging the nitrogen system. The end position switch indicates when the pressure intensifier is charged.0In order to allow for various injection positions the injection cylinder can be adjusted vertically. The adjustable section of the injection unit is supported by the positioning tube on the guide frame. The injection position has a hydraulic adjustment system which relates from 0 position (centre of fixed platen) downward to stages of 50mm distance. Intermediate positions can easily be obtained by placing the relevant positioning tubes and distance plates.