2你们觉得麦克哪首歌最好听,我觉得ILove you最好听。
7吧里来点人啊 不能就这样颓废了
5接下来3个月……要努力了!希望到那个时候,这个贴可以沉到底!you know that
10村头老槐树下不见不散 @猿飞丶阿斯瑪
18最近听了小麦的歌,看了小麦的mv,好喜欢这个自弹自唱的大男孩啊!一曲I Love You听得好入迷。。。可惜小麦的专辑才一张(不过够了)
2多好的日子吖。。。就想爱你……Stewart Mac
3everything i am
800最好是图片的91http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=sonsofday241楼度娘。12嗯哼 大家 每天上线了 就来签个名哈4我晕 小麦在QQ音乐里排名 才700多 看到我都要疯了 亲爱的 麦迷们 行动起来吧 把我们可爱的小麦 顶上去28歌手:Stewart Mac 专辑:Single There was once a broken man Who walked a lonely road And Gave up all his dreams I was once this broken man Stared into the sun and Just refuse to see I was lost amongst the clouds that would'nt fade I was looking for an answer I was searching but I didn’t take the time I was down and out and feeling so afraid I love you the Way that you turn me round And chase away my blues I love you the way that you change my world when I’m with you Love may come and love may go but now its here to stay Forever and a day And when I See you smile I fall into your eyes1近义词跳转的 史蒂麦可被跳到 史蒂·麦可了 有影响 有没有能人去动下1鉴于喜欢麦的好像很多小P孩- - 多在初中高中 嗓子好的报广播站去吧 ! 学校广播站有的吧? 唔~ 课间放音乐什么的~ 天天听那些好残好残的中文歌快奔溃了71L继续百度2去年8-24至今,麦子推特从未更新。37大家对不起哈!最近有些私人问题,还有好多麦子的视频没有上传!希望大家谅解! 郑重地向大家说声:“Sorry”4LX队形……回来的队形……0