0雅思口语机经(2023年1-4月) School 1. Where do you go to school? 2. Do you go to a good school? 3. Do you like your teachers? 4. Do you like your current learning atmosphere? 5. What are the differences between your school and other schools? 6. Is there anything you want to change about your school? Art 1. Do you like art? 2. Do you like visiting art galleries? 3. Do you wan to be an artist? 4. Do you like modern art or traditional art? Library 1. Do you often go to the library? 2. What do you usually do in the library? 3. Did you go to library when you were young? 4. Do Chinese kids
0School 1. Where do you go to school? 2. Do you go to a good school? 3. Do you like your teachers? 4. Do you like your current learning atmosphere? 5. What are the differences between your school and other schools? 6. Is there anything you want to change about your school? Art 1. Do you like art? 2. Do you like visiting art galleries? 3. Do you wan to be an artist? 4. Do you like modern art or traditional art? Library 1. Do you often go to the library? 2. What do you usually do in the library? 3. Did you go to library when you were young? 4. Do Chinese kids often go to library? Happy things 1.
2常春藤新概念英语课程 开设课程 新概念青少版,适合学习年龄一二三年级英语初级入门阶段,针对词汇,音标,情景交际口语为主。 新概念一册,适合年龄阶段四五六年级,针对英语口语面试技巧,笔试技能,听说读写综合能力米安全提升, 新概念二册,适合初中,高中水平学员,针对中高考语法系统学习,全面掌握初高中词汇,以及系统的语法知识。 新概念三册,适合高中,大学初级阶段学员,针对阅读写作能力提升,对于想要英语高考突破140
12019年1-4月雅思口语题库part1新题 茶还是咖啡 Tea or coffee(new) 答题思路 Tea or coffee What do Chinese people prefer, tea or coffee? What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee? When did you drank coffee or tea last time? 中国人喜欢什么,茶还是咖啡? 你通常为客人准备什么,茶还是咖啡? 你上次喝咖啡或茶是什么时候? 电影演员 film star(new) 答题思路 Film star Who is your favorite film star? Do you think that international film star is famous in China? Do you like Chinese film star or international film star? Have you e
4PART 1 新题部分 Films/Movies 1. Do you oftenwatch films/movies? 2. Did you ofen watchfilms/movies when you were a kid? 3. Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and theones you watched when you were a child? 4. Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends? 5. What kind ofmovies do you like? 6. Do you prefer towatch movies at home or in a cinema? Drinking water 1. Do you likedrinking water? 2. Which one do you prefer, tap water or bottled water, why? 3. How often do youdrink water? 4. What kinds of waterdo you like to drink? 5. Do you drinkbottled wa
22019年1-4月雅思口语题库part1新题 茶还是咖啡 Tea or coffee(new) 答题思路 Tea or coffee What do Chinese people prefer, tea or coffee? What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee? When did you drank coffee or tea last time? 中国人喜欢什么,茶还是咖啡? 你通常为客人准备什么,茶还是咖啡? 你上次喝咖啡或茶是什么时候? 电影演员 film star(new) 答题思路 Film star Who is your favorite film star? Do you think that international film star is famous in China? Do you like Chinese film star or international film star? Have you e
021. head -ahead- headache头疼 - headline标题head teacher 校长 headmaster校长-headquarter 总部 - forehead额头 2. -ject投,射,抛 project 投影,工程-projector 投影仪 - subject学科,主语,主宰 - object 反对,宾语,对象,目标-subjective 主观的-objective 客观的- inject注射 - eject 喷出,射出 reject 拒绝=refuse 拒绝 3. ache 疼痛 headache 头疼 stomachache 胃疼 eye ache 眼疼 ear ache 耳朵疼 4. board 板子 blackboard 黑板 - keyboard 键盘 - cupboard 橱柜 aboard 在船上/飞机上/火车上0阅读的题型:有8种或更多: 1、标题对应:list of headings 2、完形填空:Summary 词数不超过55,每句话不超过35个,考4—8个空,每个空有选项或自行查找 3、真假判断:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN要简单思维 4、配对题:Matching 人名和理论配对;论点和论据配对;概念与解释配对 5、多项选择题:Mu1tip1e-choice 只有一个答案是正确的,每个段落只有一个标题,一般限制在5个 6、完成句子:Sentence comp1etion——变形的Matching 一般都给选项,根据语法手段做简单 7、流程图填空52第一大类学术场景 ACADEMIC ENGLISH 1.1 学习 orientation ceremony 开学典礼 orientation meeting 新生报到会 commence day开学日 commencement ceremony 开学/毕业典礼 enrolment 注册 enrolment day 学籍注册日 application form 申请表 selective/elective/optionalcourses 选修课 required course/compulsorycourses 必修课 course arrangement 课程安排 letter ofrecommendation 推荐信 programme/program 某一专业的课程总称 school 学院 graduate school 研究生院 graduate students 研究生 graduate大学毕业生 undergraduate 本科 po120旅游英语: 世界那么大,学好英语再出发! 随着人们物质生活的提高,出境旅游已成为一种时尚,在美国洛杉矶、德国柏林、法国巴黎......都存在中国人的身影。 学会说旅游英语将会使你的出境游变得更为轻松美好。试想一下,假如你身处异*,虽然周围的风景美不胜收,此时你却饥肠辘辘,因为不懂旅游英语而难以点餐,不仅好心情一扫全无,而且也无力畅游,这对于广大不通英语的旅行者来说实属憾事。所以若想畅行无阻,旅游英语是必不可少1雾霾haze; 烟雾smog; 空气污染指数air pollution index; 橙色预警orange alert; 悬浮颗粒物airborne particulate matter; 可吸入颗粒物inhalable particle; 有毒物质toxic substance; 空气质量检测air quality monitoring; 实时发布PM2.5数据release real-time PM2.5 data011.用形容词“very”,“single”等表示强调 e.g.Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 红军就在此地打过一仗。 Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。 2.用反身代词表示强调 e.g.I myself will see her off at the station. 我将亲自到车站为她送行。 You can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好这件事情。 3.用助词“do”表示强调 e.g.The baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a co4请问咸阳有雅思培训学校吗,地址是,,,0001月13日,由雅思官方主办的“雅思考试工作坊”在成都举行,会上雅思官方对外公布了2015雅思考情,以及2016年雅思考试新动向。会上,英国文化教育协会西南区考试业务总监李永明接受了华西都市报采访,她表示,未来,雅思考试将更加注重考试诚信,除了例行核查外,对不能准确反映考生水平的成绩,雅思官方将进行复核。同时,所有场次的雅思考试,口语都将在笔试前进行。对备受关注的雅思机考改革,李永明回应说,目前她尚未接到确切的日01. You’rea jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 2. You’rea joke! 你真是一个小丑! 3. Enough is enough! 够了够了! 4. Howdare you! 你敢! 5. You’re son of bitch! 婊子养的! 6. It’snone of your business. 关你屁事! 7. You’renothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。 8. Whatwere you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 9. Getout of my face. 从我面前消失! 10. Can*t you do anything right?成事不足,败事有余。 11.Fuck you the fucking fucker!你他妈的真混蛋 12. Getthe fucking my way!他妈的给我滚! 13. Whatthe hell did you see that?我靠,2咸阳英语角拟定方案 应广大咸阳英语爱好者的广泛要求, 咸阳英语角拟定位置为咸阳图书馆门口, 时间为每周六下午3:00——5:00 诚挚邀请各位英语爱好者参加, 有意者联系QQ:2771304250学习英语好去处——咸阳英语吧,兄弟贴吧,相互照应! 提供咸阳最专业的英语交流平台——幼儿英语、小学英语、初中高中英语、中高考英语、大学英语四六级、托福雅思、SAT等应有尽有! 快来关注吧! 21世纪应该掌握的技能: 1、计算机——还以为计算机只是上上网、玩玩游戏这么简单吗?他可以提高工作效率、学习效率,甚至改变世界! 2、管理学——效率的提高离不开高效的管理,做一位卓有成效的管理者! 3、英语——开放的年代需要交流0Xian Yang English CornerToday, 17,August, 2014, the first Xian Yang English Corner was held in KFC, Century Av, Xian Yang. It*s my great honor to meet you guys, here I want to share my experience of this party. Benbird, a mid-aged riding fan, used to travel to many places around the world by bike. He just came back from Malasia, and I *ll show my gratitude to him for his chocolate. To be humorous, Benbird shared plenty of his amazing experiences of traveling with us. Chatting with Benbird, I feel a sense of precious friendship comes from anywhere. Luckily, I met Rita who was a Northwest univer403001. Do you like cooking? 2. Can you remember the first thing you cooked? 3. Who does most of the cooking in your home or family? 4, Have you ever learned how to cook? 5. What dished have you cooked? 6. Would you like to attend a cooking class? 7. Why do you want to learn cooking? 8. Do you think cooking programmes on TV are useful? 9. Is cooking very popular in your country?01, what*s your hometown? 2. what part pf China is that in? 3. do you like your home your hometown? 4. How long have you lived in that place? 5. Are there any old buildings in your home town? 6, Does it have good facilities? 7. How do you think your hometown could be improved? 咸阳雅思常春藤精英教育中心 电话:029-33668482 网址:http://www.sino-ieei.com1同雅思一样,托福写作的要求也有句型结构多样性这一项,那么如何显得自己的句子结构多变,长短句结合呢?环球雅思老师具体为考生先来介绍一下如何写好并列句,从基础开始逐渐深化句型的多样性。 最常见的并列句就是用and,but等作为连接词,将两个分句连接起来。比如: 历史必然含混也因此必然有趣。 History has to be vague and is therefore very interesting. 在中国孩子们没有权利也因此做一些自己不喜欢做的事情。 In China children have little rights and therefo000刘海Bangs 齐刘海Blunt bangs 直刘海Straight bangs 斜偏分刘海Side swept bangs(注意,美语里刘海是用bangs,英式是用fringe) 马尾辫Ponytail 鬓角sideburns slice削减 修剪trim 打薄/分层Layering 染发Dyeing 以上就是雅思频道为大家整理的每日雅思词汇:发型与理发技艺,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在雅思频道。最后,雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!0圆珠笔:ballpoint pen 荧光笔:highlighter 橡皮:eraser 转笔刀:pencil sharpener 订书机:stapler 拔书钉钳:staple remover 曲别针:paper clip 图钉:thumb tack 活页夹:clamp binder 胶棒:glue stick 书档:bookends 涂改液:correction fluid 报事贴:post-it 计算器:calculator 以上就是雅思频道为大家整理的每日雅思词汇:常用文具,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在雅思频道。最后,雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!01)copy拷贝 2)sofa沙发 3)cigar雪茄 4)bikini比基尼 5)ruble 卢布 6)model模特 7)mousse摩丝 8)logic逻辑 9)disco迪斯科 10)guitar吉他 11)gene基因 12)cartoon卡通 13)humor幽默 14)chocolate巧克力 15)coffee咖啡 16)bus巴士 17)fans粉丝 18)cool酷 以上就是雅思频道为大家整理的每日雅思词汇:知道中文就能拼的单词,非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在雅思频道。最后,雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!0intelligent 聪颖的 logical有逻辑头脑的 encyclopaedical知识广博的 superiority complex优越感 naïve天真的 stubborn执拗的 ironic爱挖苦人的 arrogant 傲慢的 egoistic自我中心的 narcissistic自恋的 squeamish易受惊的;神经质的 obsessive-compulsive强迫性神经官能症的 rigid严格死板的 apathetic缺乏感情的 immature不成熟的 adherent to routines恪守生活常规 lack of social skills缺乏社交能力 bacteriophobia 细菌恐惧症0下面雅思频道为大家整理了每日雅思词汇:不一样的"吃",供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 吃喜酒attend the wedding banquet; 吃药take medicine; (下棋)吃掉一个子take a piece; 连吃败仗suffer one defeat after another; 吃闭门羹be denied entrance at the door; 吃醋be jealous; 吃耳光get a slap in the face; 吃回扣get commission 以上就是雅思频道为大家整理的每日雅思词汇:不一样的"吃",非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在雅思频道。最后,雅思频道预