7Get to know yourself what you can do and what you cannot do, for only you can make your life happy. Believe that by working, learning and achieving you can reach your goals and be successful. Believe in your own creativity as a means of expressing your true feelings. Believe in appreciating life. Be sure to have fun every day and to enjoy the beauty in the world. Believe in love. Love your friends,your family yourself and your life. Believe in your dreams and your dreams can become a reality.
43到这里留下你们最想对我说的一句话吧。 嘻嘻、
10(邂逅) 他是小村子里的小铁匠, 可以说是小万事通, 一身的好手艺, 勤勤恳恳,助人为乐。 海边长大,生性乐观。 他是山村里懂事的大姐大 自小照顾弟弟妹妹 早早的跟着叔叔四处做小工补贴家用 做的一手好饭。 某日,他的村子要建*** 她便随着叔叔的工程队来了。 突然来了一个标致的小姑娘, 小村子一下炸开了锅。 于是,他遇到了她, 揭开爱的序幕。