0El aula de defensa de los TFMs es la 503 (quinta planta). En el campus de Ferraz (donde se ha realizado el máster). Los alumnos que os han dirido el TFM los profesores Lorenzo Torres, Raquel Sardá y Manuel Gértrudix debéis estar allí a las 10.20 de la mañana para empezar a las 10.30 con todo preparado. Ya sabéis que tenéis un tiempo límite de 7 minutos y debéis llevar el power point en un pen drive. No podemos estar continuamente cambiando de ordenadores. Si alguna persona de los que han enviado trabajo no se fuera a presentar o tiene alguna duda puede contactar conmigo a través del
3Mi presentación se divide en tres partes: primero, por qué quiero escribir este artículo, por qué elegí este tema, segundo, cuál es el objeto de mi análisis y qué método usé para analizar, y tercero, los resultados de mi análisis. Motivación para escribir este artículo. En primer lugar, por supuesto, porque me encanta esta película. Vi esta película por primera vez desde que estaba en la escuela secundaria, y la he visto muchas veces hasta ahora. Cuanto más miraba, más me sorprendía y me confundía. ¿Por qué nunca me canso de una película así con una trama extremadamente
04.1镜头设计 长镜头 固定镜头 停顿纯粹静止 平视 唯一俯视镜头 (自然!) 回顾:更长镜头 更少动作角度 这是偶然吗?下面分析填表 结论:镜头美学是restricion 避免entusiasmo,直接的情感刺激(!!!) 刺激观众想象思考 (接近日常生活 藏 促进?) 4.2 重复变奏 重复的日常生活的隐喻 (平凡表象!) 视觉模式的逆转引起震动和反思 4.3 光与色彩 自然光 (自然!) 强烈光反射引起梦幻 夜景霓虹冲突 (切合人物心理!) 蓝 怀旧 回忆的气质 (情感
2la constante investigación de las posibilidades expresivas del lenguaje cinematográfico,evitando las formas tipificadas del cine clasico;la valoracion de la imagen audiovisual sobre la palabra(sobre el sentido logocentrico),especialmente,la concepcion del cine como unl arte del montaje;de imagenes heteroclitas,de tiempos(pasados y presentes,activos y contemplativos y de referencias (de la realidad,de la cultura,del propio cine) 102 nino ante el mar
0葡萄牙语(第二外语) 教学目的:使学生了解葡萄牙语的基本特点,学习并掌握葡萄牙语的基本词汇和用法,能用葡语进行简单日常交流。通过第二外语的学习,使学生对语言学习的性质和过程有更深体会。 授课内容:发音规则,基本常用动词的变位和用法,基础词汇,基本语法、生活用语等。
6cuántas habitaciones
0ir a——going to / will
2A5 B3 c2 d17 e7 f9 g12 h10 i8 j19 k13 L1 m16 n4 o11 p6 q15 r20 s18 t14
0Gravity in Reverse: the Tale of Albert Einstein's "Greatest Blunder" Natural History, 12/01/03 Cosmology has always been weird. Worlds resting on the backs of turtles, matter and energy coming into existence out of much less than thin air. And now, just when you'd gotten familiar, if not really comfortable, with the idea of a big bang, along comes something new to worry about. A mysterious and universal pressure pervades all of space and acts against the cosmic gravity that has tried to drag the universe back together ever since the big bang. On top of that, "negative gr
0trench coat wing tips
0as masks provoke less and less surprise, some people are using them for purposes that have nothing to do with physical health. common courtesy have masks become so commonplace that wearers aren’t seen as unattractive
0一定要在自我认定,已经“与听无关了,只是真的不会”为止。然后对照文稿,如果对照后发现确实是生词问题,字典+笔记处理。如果发现,根本就是你已经会的词,单纯是没听出来,那么这就是另一种问题了,请反复仿照音频中的声音模仿,当成声音去模仿,不要当成单词,因为当你带着自己的“经验”去读这个词,你会被自己的发音习惯蒙蔽,这也会连累你的听力,忘掉它是一个词,它就是一个声音,反复模仿。 在保证听懂时 要点听写和复述
1TASM2 [sony N 709 Dawn of the planet of apes [fox 170 707 Pacific Rim [warner 190 411 Godzilla [warner 160 525 The hobbit [warner N 958
0Being Somebody One hundred years ago, people became famous for what they had achieved. Men like J.P. Morgan, E.H. Harriman and Jay Could were all notable achievers. So were Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, and Susan B. Anthony. Their accomplishments are still evident in our own day. Today’s celebrities, however, often do not become known for any enduring achievement. The people we most admire today are usually those who are most highly publicized by the media. In 1981, a Gallup poll revealed that Nancy Reagan was the nation’s “most admired woman”. The year before, that distinction went to Ca
1I LOVE YOU shiver 颤抖 offshore 离岸 ashore 上岸 tide 潮汐 趋势 synchronize 同步(时间一致)
1深蹲 大腿后侧主导,而非前侧。需要 身体倾斜角度比小腿倾斜大 身体带上去,不是腿撑起来
0There are two kinds of affection giving,one is an expression of zest for life ,one is of fear. The former is admirable while the latter is at best a consolation. The former is only possilble while the giver feels safe. The latter one is caused by the feeling of insecurity and is much more subjective and self-centrel because it valued for services rendered rather then intrinstic qualities. The later one is also legitimate since almost all affection contains both of two and it cures insecurity. But the latter one can not stand comparison with the former because its base fear is evil.
2do we have certain right,where did they come from dose a fair procedure justify any result what is the moral work of concent 为什么开车的人和旁观者就不一样了?
1demons stale 陈腐 腐败 breed born+grown up curtain call 谢幕 masquerade 假面舞会 冒充
0#1 2 vowels next to each other are separated syllables except i and u unless there are accent marks made them strong #2 the last syllable is streesed unless the word ends with -n,-s or vowel,they stressed in next-to-last syllable
0property the ways it behaves in particular conditions. infer decide that it is true on the basis of information that you already have arbitrary not based on any principle, plan, or system., so unfair entail
2To be a smart consumer in China these days, you almost need a chemistry degree. Scandals involving melamine-tainted milk, clenbuterol in pork to swill recycled cooking oil have damaged consumer confidence in the domestic food industry. China is toughening its stance. Over the past five years, China has strengthened its food safety supervision through legislation and inspections. The latest effort is the consolidation of the country’s many scattered food and drug safety government agencies under one regulatory roof. Jiang Qiutao, NPC deputy and expert in food safety, says China needs more eff
2【同美】 T-MAX厅 巴可4K双放映机,300平高增益金属幕11.5M*28M,全球首推15.1多声道,43个音响矩阵 【ume】 Dmax 宽>20m,13.1声道,36音响,双巴可4万流明,初步定画面清晰度为2K,并随之发展为4K 【万众英利】 数字放映机barco32B型。杜比全景声 33.1声道,50个扬声器 Auro-3D+金属幕; 11.1超震撼的立体声道音响;双机放映 【万达xland】 RealD 3D。杜比全景声 47.1立体环绕声 49音响
0What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an Angel! in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!
100按照乐评人的想法,音乐必须要有所表达,正如文章应该言之有物。然而文章是作为书面语言,本身为表达而生的。为了努力向别人传达自己的情感和想法,才创造出了语言。但是音乐诞生时不是这样的。 最有可能的是,人类在偶然的敲击中发现了某种节奏或音调,然后,发现编排它们是很有趣的。于是音乐诞生了——作为人类的玩具罢了,不承担任何的思想感情。当然后来,人们发现音乐可以模拟情感,(实际上只是模拟情感外化后的人类行为,0李皖说,周杰伦进不了殿堂,因为境界不高,“难以触发灵魂的醒觉。没有对世相和人性的洞穿”。完全正确,除了何谓殿堂还需要考究。周杰伦就是一个小朋友,而且十年过去了,他居然还是一个小朋友。 可是灵魂的醒觉,对世相和人性的洞穿一般是怎么发生的呢?当年听他歌的学生,每一个人都被校园丢弃到社会上,一条条狼狈、无处可归的狗,没有安全港、没有保护伞,为了生活,摇着尾巴,日日应对那些自己厌憎的人和事。最要命的是,他0真心话0艹 恶心死我了 今天尝试给你短信吧 憋不住了7大左!!!!!!!!!6我最爱的三只,我心里有最重要地位的三只,乃们今年都太让我失望了当然其实说今年也不很恰当,龙也我关注最久知道他维持这个状态不是一两年了,CR从去年下半年开始就对他信心流失,敬腾是几个月内狠补了4年多大出道经历然后确信他今年开始坑爹了。你们啊你们!!还是我是一个不幸的人,认识他们的时候都是他们上升期结束,步入停滞期的阶段。尼玛这时间卡得真准啊!!老子从没体会过看着孩子一天天成长为之骄傲的心情,从没体会过看15300反复听了3,4遍了,我爱你我爱你我爱你我真的真的爱死你了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

