81这里是帝都里最不起眼的街道。破败的房屋,难吃的食物,丑陋的妓女。 贫穷,疾病,罪恶。在日落后的黑暗里滋生,蔓延。 没有希望。 在这里,只有强硬才能得到勉强裹腹的食物和能够饮用的清水。软弱只能瑟缩在角落里听着寒风呼啸消磨生命。 不知道什么时候,那个不过十四五岁的不知从哪里来的少女,用她赤色的长发开始和落日的光辉争彩。 她那双金色的瞳孔里有些连最凶恶的盗贼也不敢直视的锋芒。 却会剩下不多的食物悄悄留给总是对她
151The God once told us: Believe me and you will be all saved My beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children Till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives For the sake of god, HALLELUJAH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
1登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
2may it be an evening star shines right upon you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
9let us write our names on the paper of the history of our glorious kindom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
289如题~ 请不要大意的欢脱的来游泳然后晒皮吧。。。
35圣神历1475年新年前夕,宫廷舞会照例在皇家礼堂举办。 灯红酒绿,衣香鬓影。女孩们拼命让自己显得曲线分明,束腰都勒到了三十厘米左右;大腹便便的男士裹着紧绷着的燕尾服,让人很担心身体和布料哪个先撑不住。 所以当那一阵整齐划一的脚步声在厅门口响起的时候,就仿佛为舞会沉闷冗甜的气息注入了一股清新的空气一般,气温似乎都下降了许多。 皇帝脸上的笑容,还有四周众人脸上的表情,没能逃过角落里金发少年的眼睛——虽然,从来
0登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
9may it be an evening star shines right upon you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
93The god once told us: Believe me and you will be all saved My beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children Till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives For the sake of god, HALLELUJAH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
0登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
5The god once told us: Believe me and you will be all saved My beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children Till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives For the sake of god, HALLELUJAH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
1登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
1The God once told us: Believe me and you will be all saved My beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children Till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives For the sake of god, HALLELUJAH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
1登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
1登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
9The God once told us: Believe me and you will be all saved My beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children Till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives For the sake of god, HALLELUJAH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
1登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
9for the sun will always rise in the east for your glory will be marked on the stone forever ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
10may it be an evening star shines right upon you ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
0登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
0The god once told us: Believe me and you will be all saved My beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children Till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives For the sake of god, HALLELUJAH! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二楼资料,三楼独白或背景介绍,四楼收纳盒地址,五楼级别+晋级历程,六楼~十楼装修房间
0登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
6正式报名开始之前在这里登记一下~声明自己想报哪个~ 特招角色请控制在人数范围之内
5如题 目前特招: 【克莱斯特大陆圣艾伦帝国皇室】 皇帝一名 皇后一名 公主(皇帝姊妹)两名 封疆亲王若干 勋爵(分公、侯、伯、子、男五个等级)若干
0登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
0登记格式: ID: 姓名: 演绎地址: 楼层: 应得收入: 收入总计: 【初次报名,请自行记取500铜币】
4till the falling of all stars till the death of all gods till the end of the world comes our story will never have ends
0let us write our names on the paper of the history of our glorious kindom
0let us write our names on the paper of the history of our glorious kindom
1every part of the world humans is not the only kind will you fall into the dark and face the never-world?
2no matter where you will be just let us know
2tell the story of you by the colors and strives on the paper let the followings know you by the words and deeds of your heart
0the god once told us: believe me and you will be all saved my beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives for the sake of god, HALLELUJAH!
0the god once told us: believe me and you will be all saved my beloved and fair father, we will always be your kind children till the falling of the stars, till the end of our lives for the sake of god, HALLELUJAH!
0the people who came back late at night be careful, for I am the son of dark