0“Good morning,” said the fox. “Good morning,” the little prince responded politely, although when he turned around he saw nothing. “I am right here,” the voice said, “under the apple tree.” “Who are you?” asked the little prince, and added, “You are very pretty to look at.” “I am a fox,” said the fox. “Come and play with me,” proposed the little prince. “I am so unhappy.” “I cannot play with you,” the fox said. “I am not tamed.” “Ah! Please excuse me,” said the little prince. But, after some thought, he added: “What does that mean — 'tame
0"May I see you again?" he asked. There was an endearing nervousness in his voice. “我可以再见到你吗?”他问道,他的声音中有一种可爱的紧张。 I smiled. "Sure." 我笑了,“当然” "Tomorrow?" he asked. “明天吗?”他问道。 "Patience, grasshopper," I counseled. "You don't want to seem overeager。" “耐心点,别只顾着眼前,”我劝告道,“你看起来有点过分”。 "Right, that's why I said tomorrow," he said. "I want to see you again tonight. But I'm willing
0一位英语语法专家刚下飞机,正在找飞机场的出口,刚好一位机场工作的英国人在整理卫生, 于是就问那个英国人,出口在那里,怎么走? 可是英国人听了直摇头,说请说详细点, 听不懂英语语法专家在说什么, 英语语法专家于是乎也只摇头,说什么什么是动词,什么什么是形容词,只有什么什么前面用什么什么才是什么什么的意思, 这让整理卫生的英国人不知所云。 从英语返回后,英语语法专家经过三天的闭门反省,结果出语惊人: 经过英国