13Waving It Together II (Reading & Writing) What is writing? Writing is a way of making thoughts stand still…. It’s oral language translated into a permanent and at times a more structured form. Writing requires the ability to listen, speak, read and think. Writing is the process of talking an idea from inside of one’s head and putting it into a code so that it can be shared with others. Basic principles of being good writing: honesty, clarity, brevity, and variety. Being honest: don’t try to fake your ideas. Being clear: don’t puzzle your readers. (being easy to understand) Being
4What is writing? Writing is a way of making thoughts stand still…. It’s oral language translated into a permanent and at times a more structured form. Writing requires the ability to listen, speak, read and think. Writing is the process of talking an idea from inside of one’s head and putting it into a code so that it can be shared with others. Basic principles of being good writing: honesty, clarity, brevity, and variety. Being honest: don’t try to fake your ideas. Being clear: don’t puzzle your readers. (being easy to understand) Being brief: don’t waste your reader’s time. See
163年之后,相约王府井半岛饭店,到时候给我看看你的录取信. 7年之后,等待老曲,相约哈佛. 一起努力,今年不容我们含糊.
6忘其他身,虑其他感 重其本心,失之虚浮 寻质,勿求其外,皆空 铭记三事,乃其心中 勤,慎,感 入世以三心为处事之道 安于己,修于道,轻于名 其事无不成也
62大家认真点--! 大胆的表扬,大胆的批评
2i初晨t ,生日快乐
3不是现在写的,是以前写的,今天没心思写。 秋思 七月秋风渐渐凉,明月暮照思故乡。 风吹雁去无留意,秋风吹到心头凉。 往事不堪回首 鸦落屋檐