2wake me up when september ends_(green days) Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last wake me up when september ends like my fathers come to pass seven years has gone so fast wake me up when september ends here comes the rain again falling from the stars drenched in my pain again becoming who we are as my memory rests but never forgets what I lost wake me up when september ends summer has come and passed the innocent can never last wake me up when september ends ring out the bells again like we did when spring began wake me up when september ends here comes the rain again falling1120第一次88,补考93…… 妈呀,吓死我了……8歌手:Kelly Clarkson 专辑:Breakaway 翻译:Zuochamo 曲目:lesson11-9 I will not make the same mistakes that you did 不会重复你的错误 I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery 不愿让自己心受苦楚 I will not break the way you did,you fell so hard 不会改变你沉重的旅途 I've learned the hard way 我走过荆棘之路 To never let it get that far 永远不让它遥远 Because of you 因为你 I never stray too far from the sidewalk 我永远不会偏离轨迹 Because of you 因为你 I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt 学会守着14我坚决不复读,坚决不读专科。14我出小黑屋了……00还是这个格式最好。0腿毛,你太懂我了。终于没见格式了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0去他妈的格式,我湖总冠军!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!8We have kept on fighting to the end~137好久没有射给我了,1格式好长。17我是来攒人气的 喜感悦吧欢迎腿腿 附言:“提前攒人气,是因为怕度娘不批我的吧主 、要有点人才批的撒。格式如下 ★July。Agony。Pain‘☆┃ 记得去看看撒~~6还记的吗,那些属于你们的曾经?读着你留下的文字,我无法从春天的财富里为你送去一朵鲜花,也无法从远方的云彩里为你送去一朵锦霞,但是,我们可以陪你一起回忆曾今、感受你的幸福。 打开你心灵的窗户,向“倘若”看看,从倘若百花盛开的园中采拾你流逝的芬芳记忆,愿你在心灵的欢愉中,感受此吧吟唱春日清晨鲜活的喜悦,让欢快的声音穿越百年时光,来到你的窗前歌唱:世界上小小的一对旅行者啊,在“倘若吧9女的抱一下…… 男的……恩……点点头就可以了。11不过那是曾经了。15然后这会员名有够蛋疼111http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%E6%88%92%E6%88%92_&fr=tb0_searc你懂的911随便秀头像1RT。。。 .......