0冬天虽然寒冷,但也有其独特的美丽和魅力。 雪花轻轻地飘落,为大地披上了一层洁白的纱衣。 Snowflakes gently fall, draping the earth in a white, glistening veil. 冬天的夜晚,星空格外明亮,仿佛整个宇宙都在闪烁。 On winter nights, the stars shine especially bright, as if the entire universe is twinkling. 冰晶在阳光下闪烁,如同钻石般璀璨夺目。 Ice crystals sparkle in the sunlight, gleaming like diamonds. 炉火旁的温暖,是冬日里最温馨的慰藉。 The warmth by the fireplace is the most comforting solace on
00000000无论您是计划旅行、在国外探索,还是与当地居民交流,这些句子都将派上用场。 1. **询问信息**: - "Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest train station?" (打扰一下,能告诉我怎么去最近的火车站吗?) - "Do you know what time the museum opens?" (你知道博物馆几点开门吗?) 2. **预订住宿**: - "I'd like to book a room for two nights, please." (我想预订两晚的房间。) - "Do you have any rooms available with a view of the sea?" (你们有可以看到海景的房间吗000### 1. **“学英语,就像交了个外国朋友”** 学英语不只是学一门语言,更像是开启了一扇新世界的大门,走进去,你会认识各种有趣的朋友,了解他们的文化,分享彼此的故事。就像交朋友一样,要多聊天、多互动,别害羞,大胆开口,错了就笑一笑,下次再来。 ### 2. **“看电影学英语,乐在其中的秘籍”** 看电影学英语,别只当个观众,要做个参与者。挑些带英文字幕的电影,第一遍看剧情,第二遍注意听对话,第三遍跟着念台词。别忘了记下那00Just to be on the safe side.为安全起见。 Let's get to the point.让我们言归正传。 Let's call it a day.我们今天就到这儿吧。 You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! The rumor had no basis.那谣言没有根据。 #跟杭州爱秀英语老师学习英语口语##杭州爱秀英语##杭州iShow英语##英语口语##学习英语口语#0杭州iShow国际英语正规吗?正规的!可信的 在大学生英语培训领域,爱秀国际英语专注大学生英语口语10余年,研发了具有特色的“类母语学习法”及“双维输入&三维输出”的教学闭环,打造纯英文学习浸泡环境,线上线下相结合,中教外教相结合,累计帮助超过10万学员提高英语口语水平。截至目前,爱秀国际英语已在全国10个省11个城市开设了15个大学生英语教学中心,覆盖长沙、衡阳、成都、贵阳、福州、合肥、广州、重庆、杭州、上海和南宁0“无访问权限”好像我乐意看你空间似的。 "no access rights" as if I would like to see your space. 化妆品对女人而言,是信心;对男人而言,是幻觉。 cosmetics for women, is confidence; for men, is an illusion. 任他凡事清浊,为你一笑间轮回甘堕。 let him be clear and muddy. 现在我还爱不爱你,想不想你,这都是我自己的事,跟你无关。 now I still love you, do not want you, this is my own business, and nothing to do with you. 象有永生一样梦想 ,象明天就会死去一样生活 。 dream like eternal life0学习英语离不开听说读写几个方面,学习过程中方法很重要,方法用对,学习才能提高效率。下面是英语口语学习方法,大家可以作为参考。 怎样才能学好英语口语1——Listen to yourself(听自己) 如果你不能听出你自己的发音问题,就很难去改正它。试着把你的朗读或演说录下来,并与以英语为母语的外国人士做个比较。 怎样才能学好英语口语2——Slowdown(慢下来). 很多英语学习者说话都求快,其实快不见得就说得好,说得越快毛病越不容易改掉。每天0英语现在很多地方都不受重视,虽然高考中考都要考英语,但是难度太低,太古板,导致毕业后和外国人无法正常交流,那么怎么才能学好英语呢? 1、多久能学好英语 英语毕竟是一门语言,短时间内肯定不要想着学好英语,即使你有特别好的语言环境,也需要花不少的时间。 2、英语口语多长时间能练好 这个问题模糊了些,英语口语的提升跟每个人的具体情况相关,实在不太容易量化,非要量化的话,在有一定英语基础的情况下(大学英语)怎么也得10清蒸类 馒头:steamed buns 蒸饺:steamed dumplings 花卷:twisted mantou(扭曲的馒头) 汤包:gravy baozi(肉汁包) 小笼包:gravy baozi in bamboo steamer(蒸笼里的肉汁包) 年糕:rice cake 发糕:rice sponge cake(米做的海绵蛋糕) 糍粑:glutinous rice cake(粘稠的米糕) 烧麦:rice bag 窝头:corn mantou / sorghum mantou(玉米馒头/高粱馒头) 肠粉:Cantonese roll noodle(广东的卷状粉) 杭州ishow国际英语教你“清蒸类”的英文,中式早餐常见食物系列 #中式早餐##常见食物##早餐##ishow国际英语##爱秀英语0do breakfast ≠ 做早餐,那么做早餐用英语怎么说呢? 做早餐 cook/make breakfast 做早餐 cook rice 烧饭;煮米饭 do the cooking 做饭;做菜;上灶;下厨 prepare a meal 备餐;做一顿饭 在英语里,一般用cook来表示做饭,询问别人早饭做了没,我们可以说Have you cooked breakfast。 例句: Your mother is cooking breakfast for us in the kitchen. 你妈妈正在厨房帮我们做早饭。 She usually dose the cooking for the whole family at seven o'clock. 她通常七点钟为全家人准备早餐。 She told her son to prepare a meal for re0What do you think about this city's public transport system? 你觉得这个城市的公共交通系统怎么样? Are you a night owl or an early bird? 你是个夜猫子,还是早起者? Do you see your family often? 你经常看望你的家人吗? Who is your favourite celebrity? 你最喜欢的名人是谁? What are your impressions of this city? 你对这座城市的印象怎么样? Do you like reading? What books do you like to read? 你喜欢看书吗?平时都看些什么样的书? What are your future goals? 你未来的目标是什么? What are some of your bad habits? 你都有0New Year's Eve 除夕 New Year's Eve = No holiday 除夕 = 不放假 leave in lieu 调休 leave in lieu = disgusting 调休 = 令人厌恶的;令人极不能接受的 Spring Festival 春节 Spring Festival = unsettle 春节 = 使动摇;使不安定;使心神不宁 大学生快来找我免fei领英语口语大礼包 ·英语口语提升课 ·英语能力水平测试 ·专业英语学习规划 ·四六级必备听力资料 点击下方链接领取免费的试听课程 https://www.ishowedu.com/ugrd/mianfeilingqu.html?tieba 除夕不放假,打工人应该知道这些单词——杭0What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么样的音乐? What animal would you most like to be? 你最想成为哪种动物? What languages do you speak? 你都会说哪种语言? How long have you lived in this city? 你在这个城市住了多久了? Do you have a best friend? Who is s/he? 你有最好的朋友吗?他或她是谁? Do you prefer summer or winter? 夏天和冬天,你更喜欢哪一个? What do you do at the weekend? 你周末喜欢做些什么呢? What hobbies do you have? 你有什么爱好? What sports do you like? 你都喜欢哪种体育项目? What is your favourite0英语口语考试万能句型 Well, let me see... The piont I'm trying to make is that... Let me put it another way. 给出观点 Personally, I think/ feel/ believe/ suppose... My view on... is that... As far as I'm concerned,... As i see it,... 请求重复 I'm afraid I didn't quite catch you. I'm afraid I'm not quite clear about... Sorry, I can't follow you. Could you repeat the question, please? 完全同意某一观点 I couldn't agree more. My own view is precisely the same. That's exactly what I'm thinking about. I'm with you on that. 有礼0“无语”怎么表达? 我们常用的“Have nothing to say”可以表达无语,那除了这个我们还会用哪些词语表达“无语”呢? Be lost for words 表示因为惊讶,困惑等不知道该说什么才好,无言以对的样子。 例句: I was so surprised to see her that I was lost for words. 见到她太意外了,我一下子不知道该说些什么了。 After two years, her friend became so beautiful that she was lost for words. 两年之后,她的朋友变得如此的漂亮以致于她不知道该说什么了。 【Have nothing / don't have much】 to sa1