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    2019年年底之前那个时候大部分都还能好好说话,还肯对比赛本身进行讨论,虽然也有各种人生攻击的帖子。最近一年多LPL贴吧也变成一个厕所了。 唉。当然贴吧是个厕所也不一定是坏事,网友需要发泄,就需要一个途径吧。
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    Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love: illusions. Only the ladder is real; the climb is all there is. 混乱不是深渊。混乱是阶梯。很多人想往上爬,却失败了,且永无机会再试。他们坠落而亡。有些人本有机会攀爬,但他们拒绝了。他们守着王国,守着诸神,守着爱情——尽皆幻象。唯有阶梯真实存在,攀爬才是生活的全部。 ——Petyr
    jzt1993 6-19
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    The Road Not Taken 未选择的路   TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,   And sorry I could not travel both   And be one traveler, long I stood   And looked down one as far as I could   To where it bent in the undergrowth;   黄叶林中出条岔路,   无奈一人难于兼顾,   顺着一条婉蜒小路,   久久伫立极目远眺,   只见小径拐进灌木。   Then took the other, as just as fair,   And having perhaps the better claim   Because it was grassy and wanted wear;   Though as for that, the passing there   Had
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    A Journey Called Life 有一种旅行叫人生 Life is like a box of chocolate, you never konw what you are gonna get. 生活就像是你面前的一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。 It includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day, we learn to handle various situations. 生活中有快乐难过,有成功失败,也会经历充满希望和绝望的时候。它就像是一个学习的过程。在生活中所积累的经验,给了我们新
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    Lesson from the Moon 月亮的启示 When the moon is fullest it begins to wane, When it is darkest it begins to grow. 月亮带给我的启示----「月盈则亏,晦则明」 -Chinese Proverb-中国谚语 There is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first form a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China. It has often, helped me to retain a good measure of equanimity under stress and hardship as well as when some unexpected success or good luck might have made me to exuberant. There is hope and consolation in the sure knowledge that even the darkest hours of pain
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    1.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable. 2.能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。 Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted. 3.怨言是上天得至人类最大
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    Chopsticks. Right now, millions of people are digging into their food with two sticks that have stood the test of time as a utensil for humans, even when countless thousands of other tools, gadgets and products haven't. But what's so special about them?筷子。现如今,当数不尽的工具、器具和产品都已被时间淘汰,只有筷子经受住了时间的考验,成千上万的人们用它们来夹取食物。那么它们到底有什么特别之处呢? What can we learn from mere chopsticks?从这简简单单的筷子中,我们能学到什么? Personally, I have used them a
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    I used to like sheepherder coffee, a cup of grounds in my old enameled pot, then three cups of water and a fire,过去我喜欢牧羊人咖啡, 往我那旧搪瓷壶里倒入一杯咖啡粉, 再加三杯水及一炉火, and when it’s hot, boiling into froth, a half cup of cold water, to bring the grounds to the bottom.当咖啡烧热,沸腾冒泡, 加半杯冷水, 让咖啡粉沉底。 It was strong and bitter and good, as I squatted on the riverbank, under the great redwoods all those years ago.许多年前,当我蹲在河堤上那些, 魁梧的红杉下品尝它时, 味道那么浓,那么
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    Happiness is a journey幸福是个过程 We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, than another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.我们总是说服自己,认为当我们结婚、生子后日子会过的更加舒心些。然后我们又被那些小鬼的不懂事搞得不顺心,当他们大了些后,情况会好些吧。当孩子到了青春期的时候,
    wenrdn763 5-17
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    I remember, I remember the house where I was born, the little window where the sun came peeping in at morn; he never came a wink too soon nor brought too long a day; but now, I often wish the night had borne my breath away.我记得呀,我记得:我出生的那间屋子, 早晨,阳光从小窗进来窥视; 他从不早来片刻, 也不多留半晌, 但现在,我常愿黑夜带走我的呼吸。 I remember, I remember the roses red and white, the violets and the lily-cups— those flowers made of light! The lilacs where the robin built, and where my brother set The laburnum on h
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    Freedom Choice and Responsibility自由 选择 责任 I love choices.我爱选择。 I love to walk around in bookstores-not because I can buy all the books,我喜欢在书店里徜徉,不是因为我能买下所有的书, but because I could buy one book, and I have so many to choose from.而是因为我可以买一本书,我有这么多的选择。 I like buffets.我还喜欢自助餐。 I rarely get to go to them, but when I do,虽然我很少去,但是当我去的时候, the first thing I do is to walk around and see what the choices are.我做的第一件事就是四处逛逛,
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    1.认清这个世界,然后爱它。就这么一辈子,下一世你可能就不再在这个世界了。 有些烦恼,丢掉了,才有云淡风轻的机会。——《龙猫》
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    1,若我白发苍苍,容颜迟暮,你会不会,依旧如此,牵我双手,倾世温柔。 2,当年相知未回音,空叹年华似流水。 3,花开两生面,人生佛魔间。 4,想人间婆娑,全无着落;看万般红紫,过眼成灰。 5,人的一生会遇到两个人,一个惊艳了时光,一个温柔了岁月。 6,玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思知不知。 7,心微动,奈何情已远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可重。 8,时间很短,天涯很远,往后的一山一水,一朝一夕,自己安静地走完。倘若不
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    慧极必伤,情深不寿,强极则辱,谦谦君子,温润如玉。金先生<书剑>里,乾隆送陈家洛佩玉上的刻字大意:一个人太聪明智慧便会对自己有损伤,过于沉迷和执着的感情不会持续长久,过于突出的人势必会受到屈辱,君子应该如玉一般的温润沉稳,含蓄坚毅,不张扬,却自显价值。 金庸在《书剑恩仇录》中,借乾隆送陈家洛佩玉上之刻字,道出自己人生特别推崇的境界,正是这四句十六字。 但很有意思的是,如此佳句居然没有人能查其出处(人
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    黄石农产品批发市场负责人樊明清,做人做事不地道,欺行霸市是她的惯用伎俩。做生意赚钱是本分,靠强取豪夺与土匪恶霸的行为勾当有何两样? 一个人再
    qudan23 3-9
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    fanmingcun 10-22
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    寒冬之初 12-12

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