0经核实吧主擦掉下划线 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 没有人能取代姜小鑫吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
4[MONKEY]留下我一人在龙港跑去帝都 雷暴天气 希望平安
0Stay all the life. Pick up every treasure you like. What you like just treasure in my eyes. I don't know whether I'm a treasure in your eyes. Or trash in your eyes. If you give me a chance,I will hold it and won't let it go. No kidding,no joking. You,is the star upon my head,not the brightest,but the lovely.
0Where you go,I follow you. Where you stay,I run to. Where you sad,I destroy. Where you happy,I build a castle. But now,I have stomach cramps,let take a shower,and calm down.
0I want to get what I want ,such as you. In my dream,I saw you again and again. Like a leaf falling in front of my eyes. I realize,you,just is what I want. "May I hug you?" "May I touch you?" "May I kiss you?" When I stared at the star which behalf of you. I felt happiness filled with my heart. You knock my heart with the melody of a song which you always love. Think twice,the life you living now is what you want? If don't,just to change it. Good luck,get what you want.
0I want to get what I want ,such as you. In my dream,I saw you again and again. Like a leaf fellowing in front of my eyes. I realize,you,just is what I want. "May I hug you?" "May I touch you?" "May I kiss you?" When I stared at the star which behalf of you. I felt happiness filled with my heart. You knock my heart with the melody of a song which you always love. Think twice,the life you living now is what you want? If don't,just to change it. Good luck,get what you want.
46个人贴吧 一个蛮私人的空间