50首先,欢迎来到海顿吧!!!!!!! 如果你很喜欢海顿的话,不妨点一点右边的【我喜欢】吧~希望你过的愉快! 每个吧都有自己的吧规,也都需要吧规,希望不管是新吧友,还是老吧友都能够严格遵守!非常感谢! 此贴长期置顶,希望吧友们以及新来的朋友们给予支持! 此贴严禁回帖,非吧务人员等禁止回帖,格删勿论!若制定新吧规吧务可修改! 违反吧规者,一律删帖!严重违反者,将受到相应处罚! 谢谢支持!
24当地时间7月22日,海顿·潘妮蒂尔 (Hayden Panettiere) 着布莱恩·艾特伍德 (Brian Atwood) 高跟鞋亮相2012年青少年选择奖 (Teen Choice Awards) 。
114大家都知道海顿在国外有推特 但是以前没有人长期更新 我之前也只是有空弄一下 现在我会长期更新,希望大家支持啊~ 可以随时了解海顿的动态了~
35她演技扎实,做人低调, 她是我永远守护的天使~ClaireDanes ☆§〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓〓〓§〓〓〓〓§☆ ☆¨♥x2022;. ★ ♡她是《小妇人》中善良悲情的三女儿——贝思 ♡她是《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中为爱殉情的13"Hero" lovely cheerleader, Mr Thibault, penny with Haydn boxing star W - Wladimir Klitschko qualicoat khin division () is initially valued exchanges, 18-year-old age gap (this year W39 Haydn 21 years old, the age), appearance is people great disparity between the reason to suspect, but two stable since, breaking the relationship of the negative predictions. Many people Haydn says two had found the way we relate harmony. The moisture in love, the former cubs sister also more and more gentle and lovely but person, terrorize and exquisite little woman. But on April 11th Haydn new film scream 4 "p9★姓名:Mia Hays ★出生名:Mia Winnie Hays ★中文译名:米娅·海斯 [米娅在俄语中是高贵、可爱的意思] ★性别:女 ★出生日期:2004年8月11日 ★身高:106.68cm(不断长高中...) ★职业:演员、模特 ★公司:在Modeling任职模特 ★眼睛:7Jessica Szohr and Hayden Panettiere hit the GQ/Lacoste Celebrating the Coolest Athletes and the Big Game party on Friday (February 4) in Dallas, Texas. Tennis champ Andy Roddick hosted the Cadillac and Patron-sponsored bash, which was held at Hickory Street Annex. His wife, model and Just Go With It star Brooklyn Decker, also was there! Inside, Hayden, 21, and Jessica, 25, chatted with Joe Jonas, who picked up some swag at the Lacoste suite.135您好,您因曾违反贴吧协议或吧主协议被撤销本吧吧主,60天内不可再次申请。 若有任何疑问,请至贴吧投诉吧进行反馈 = =、。、、、 被小法国的邀请。我去重新申请。、、 高三时间也不多。管理贴吧神马的、、、、、、6Hayden Panettiere wears a pair of handcuffs for a scene for her latest TV movie, The Amanda Knox Story, on Tuesday (November 16) in Rome, Italy. The 21-year-old actress was cuffed while Marcia Gay Harden, who plays her mother, looked on. Hayden stars as Amanda Knox, an American student accused of killing her roommate back in 200710新年快乐哦~5一楼,bieberlover吧和海顿·潘妮蒂尔吧~72祝福海顿生日快乐56好久没活跃。看到实在没人贴新图。。于是冒个泡