11【视频:pjk's 2x2 eg实例】http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI3MjYzMTQ4NA==.html?x&sharef(来自于优酷安卓客户端)
7Algorithms: (Letters in ()s arein my letter scheme) CENTERS: Ubl (A) - [(r' u r)U (r' u' r) U] [(r' u r) U2 (r' u' r) U2] Ufr (C) - [(r' u r)U' (r' u' r) U'] [(r' u r) U2 (r' u' r) U2] Ufl (B) - U2 Lub (E) - (f u2 f')U2 (f u2 f') Luf (F) - (l' u l)U2 (l' u' l) Ldf (G) - (d f' d'f) U2 (f' d f d') Ldb (H) - (l d l')U2 (l d' l') Ful (I) - (f u' f')U2 (f u f') Fur (J) - (l' u2 l)U2 (l' u2 l) Fdr (K) - (f' d' f)U2 (f' d f) Fdl (L) - (d l d'l') U2 (l d l'
05BLD+centers U2 Method June 1,2015 21:17 Algs: UB: (r' E r) U (r'E' r) U (r' E r) U2 (r' E' r) U2 UF: (r' E r) U' (r'E' r) U' (r' E r) U2 (r' E' r) U2 DL: (l B2 E2 B2 l')U2 (l B2 E2 B2 l') SoySauS 3 months ago For 4BLD I use (l B2d2 B2 l') U2 (l B2 E2 B2 l') for Dbl, and all of my D faces go to that one. Reply · woody558 10 months ago Good tutorial exceptE should be E' and vice versa (E follows D). Thanks for the help with this though. Reply · 1 Corey Sakowski 2 years ago in reply to Korbinification That would becorr