0经核实吧主熊管 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 熊管吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
7@熊管 只给你看一个恢复的最好的啦,真正的酱油铺太。。。隐秘。 咳咳
29谨纪念13.1.4河南兰考大火,愿逝者安息,生者宽心50这是个有爱的世界,忽略世界末日,大家要爱哦。2一楼空08Little Things - One Direction Your hand fits in mine, like it’s made just for me. But bear this in mind it was meant to be. And I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks. And it all makes sense to me. I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you you smile. You've never loved your stomach or your thighs. The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine. But I'll love them endlessly. I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do, it's you. Oh it's you they add up to. I'm in love with you, and all these little things. You can't go to bed4@刘尧心武 感谢小新天天爬起来都不忘上贴吧签到拜服拜服66这是夏雪密会的ED,啊,在酷我听的时候发现能看MV,是个三次元的,这两个女的长得挺好的,女校啊,刚看完了青之花呢,水手服最高啊14听说貌似有人生日,生日快乐!鞠躬1不要说话,只听听就好,如果不想听,点击那个X号即可5云腿月饼好吃好吃好吃3双节了9“洗一个澡,看一朵花,吃一顿饭,假使你觉得快活,并非全因为澡洗得干净,花开得好,或者菜合你口味,主要因为你心上没有挂碍。” ——钱钟书10。。。182肩酸脖子痛 老毛病又犯了