0Hey, While, i don’t know how to describe it with a specific noun but i do really think that many of us may have that problem. Difficult to gossip with the one who you cares causally, afraid of you are not funny enough, or get the topic cool down or make others don’t want to keep the dialogue. As for me, yes, I have that trouble too. At most of time, i do behave like a gentle and quilt girl without much words. But sometimes I could also be more lively and crazy. Nothing wrong with my characteristic i think. Well, that It maybe caused by this: Caring make you feel unease and thought to much.
0我一直觉得这是个神奇的吧 有求必应 其实也没有那么神啦 都是凭借自己70%的努力+30%的lucky收获到的认可 希望不久之后我就可以重新在这里发布心愿,不断蜕变。
2明天下午计算机二级加油! 过了来回帖 亲爱的 别任性 你的眼睛 在说我愿意
0今天其实挺难过的 失落
1明天去拿驾照 对过科四还是有信心的
1熬了两年的日语 有收获有感动 希望在最后也能有一个好的结果 加油 顽张れ! 过了来回帖
0身边的人真的让我很心烦 不知道是不是我自己太小肚鸡肠 毕竟现在的我我自己都不喜欢 我不能很理直气
0有一些东西真的很久了 但是我谁都没说 也没打算说 慢腾腾慢腾腾 全都变成臭气
3明天下午六级 祝我好运 能过就过最好过 不然明年上半年又会很麻烦事多 晚安
0因为我很笨 也不会说话做事 所以什么都想着应该不是这样的
1你好是好 可是我不敢要
0平安夜快乐~ happy eve night