15毕业聚餐嘛,大家今天喝嗨了你们知道吗,我把整个现场都hold住了你们知道吗,全场都很团结很嗨你们知道吗,我声音喊到沙哑,酒喝得超多你们知道吗,我们大家都哭了你们知道吗 阿姨我今天喝多了,喝到不能喝,没有敬我最爱的罗老师,我真的很喜欢和他谈天,他一直在告诫我 喝完大家去KTV继续嗨,罗老师没有去,路上和回去的同学们说:他真的很看重我,觉得我今后一定行的,可惜这句话没有和XXX说(我)。 回到宿舍听大家和我这么说,我
95144我像您学习,我的妈妈346晚安了 我习惯听歌以后睡觉8发完吃饭去了。、1101L喂抖M大叔254372L视频 欧美风虽然我听的不多,但这首歌曲调大赞,让欧美音乐席卷我的大脑,请大家听完。9102可怕910Long ago But it see***ike yesterday It happened the strangest way My first love affair Summer day I swimming alone in the ocean When suddenly I get a notion That someone was watching So I turned to see who was there I saw this beautiful lady, beautiful lady Only a heartbeat away from me Two seashell earrings were all that she wore She was smiling and saying to me Come my way I'll show you my home in the ocean And stranger if you get a notion That you like to love me So just do what you feel Do what you feel Oh Mermaid.. Mermaid I love you but I'm afraid Part fish... part girl I don't fit your332182O(∩_∩)O135931大家中秋快乐,快乐每一天,开心万岁00045本受匿。。。 因为明早要外出旅游所以今天先发了。。。30where is the love you said you'd give to me soon as you were free will it ever be where is the love? you told me that you didn't love him, and you were gonna say goodbye but if you really didn't mean it, why did you have to lie? where is the love, you said was mine all mine, till the end of time was it just a lie where is the love if you had had a sudden change of heart i wish that you would tell me so don't leave me hangin on the promises you've got to let me know oh how i wish i never met you i guess it must have been my fate to fall in love with someone else's love all I can do is wait917上线觉得陌生了 要努力改变这种状况412她是我的高三同桌, 高考后我们各奔东西,她天津,我湖北, 大一那年我失恋了痛苦死了,她在电话里给我唱《旅行的意义》,我没哭,她却唱哭了, 那年大一寒假回家,一双毛肉肉的土色手套和可爱的土色磨砂笔记本,丢给了我 当时的我很傻很天真,居然没有看出其中的含义,傻傻的以为这只是一份普通礼物, 后来的故事很多很暧昧,可始终没敢说出来,就这样一错再错过。 如今听到消息,她即将嫁为人妻~ 一切顺风而去~祝她幸福 -----------------