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  • 目录:
  • 出国留学
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    EnglishPod 1~365 全套,包括主持人对话文本(主持人对话文本非常难找)。 ESLPod 全6册 Introduction to the United States Interview Questions Answered Using English at Work English for Business Meetings A day in the life of Lucy A day in the life of Jeff 2005~2015年 ESL付费播客课程 音频+PDF American Accent Training Pronunciation Workshop 视频+训练手册+800个美语常用俚语 BBC Pronunciation Videos Coach Shane Daily English Expression 1--1200期
    φ×√i 10-26
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    雅思口语新题库(9-12月)大家都收到了么 200P的题库和高分素材内容 让你拿下高分妥妥的
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    经核实吧主xnyjb 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 西宁雅思吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
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    大家对成年人学英语有一种很深的误解,收到一些培训机构的误导,认为成年人学习英语不入小孩子有优势。其实小孩子学语言的优势在于他们能很快把学到的东西感知化,部分借用学习母语的经验。而成年人由于在掌握母语后就基本不再动用语言学习的能力,所以在这方面比小孩子差一点。但这并不意味着成年人学英语就毫无优势。 实际上成年人学英语有很多优势: 1.逻辑能力强,能更好的理解语法 2.记忆力更好。成年人在记忆单词方面要比小孩
    ybomx 4-21
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    旧堇681 9-10
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    雅思资料百度盘下载,剑桥雅思4~12 Cambridge IELTS 剑桥雅思4 Cambridge IELTS 4 文档 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o7ZoFb0 密码:z2cn 剑桥雅思4 Cambridge IELTS 4 音频 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dELZJ5f 密码:hk9c 剑桥雅思5 Cambridge IELTS 5 文档 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYjZVYG 密码:2wc1 剑桥雅思5 Cambridge IELTS 5 音频 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1skPFfPF 密码:0z8i 剑桥雅思6 Cambridge IELTS 6 文档 链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhXWOOg 密码:z6xa 剑桥雅思6 Cambridge IELTS 6 音频 链接:http://pan.baidu.co
    Eiqubielow 1-24
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    西宁雅思培训 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3fd6bc0a0102y1bj.html
    xnyjb 3-2
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    Describe a difficult decision you had to make You should say When and where you made this decision Why it was difficult to make What happened after you made this decision And explain why it was a right decision. A difficult decision I had made was to loose weight. I used to like junk food like French fries, and had a paticular interest in Coca Cola, which I drank about 2 cans a day. Personally I had a sweettooth, so I put on weight rapidly. Then one day I realised that I had to make a change, because the ever growing weight made my life difficult. So I decided to carry out a plan to shed poun
    xnyjb 12-28
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    xnyjb 12-27
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    我们来看一下2017年7月8号全国的雅思考点分布 可以看到并没有西宁,所以对于西宁的烤鸭们来说,最近的雅思考点可能就在西安或者成都了。
    xnyjb 12-26
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    Describe a big company you’re interested in You should say What company it is How you know this company What kind of business this company does And explain why you’re interested in this company A big company I know is Tencent, which is a very well konwn Internet giant in China. I know this company since I was a pupil. You know there is a very popular instant messaging app called QQ in China, and it's not too exaggerating to say that nearly every Chinese student has a QQ account, or even more. We are a generation that grew up with the rapid development of the Internet, which has already
    xnyjb 12-16
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    雅思大作文怎么写? 原创文章,非经允许,不得转载 雅思大作文一直是烤鸭们的心头病,不知道如何下手。今天讲一下雅思大作文写作的最基本原则。大家拿到题之后要做的第一件事一定是分析题意,然后确定自己的写作方向。但是最后在落笔时,问题就出现了,不知道该怎么起头。 雅思大作文只有40分钟时间,每一分每一秒都弥足珍贵,不能有任何浪费,所以不应该把时间浪费在文章开头处。如果一开始就被卡住,那后面还怎么写。所以今天分享
    xnyjb 12-8
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    Opinion-led 型 a. New parents should attend parenting classes to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? b. Some people think that every individual is responsible for their own healthy lifestyle. Others believe that governments should take care of it. What are your views on this? c. Many parents now let their young children use tablet computers to see pictures and photographs, watch videos or play games. Is this a positive or negative development?
    xnyjb 9-3
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    【学习工具】工欲善其事,必先利其器。学好英语一定要勤查字典。推荐在电脑上安装灵格斯(lingoes)词典。在想学好英语,一定要尝试并逐渐习惯使用英英词典。 下载地址: 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1skPDhfR 密码: 2w5h 殷老师亲自选的字典,写的使用教程,软件没有病毒 为什么不推荐有道词典和金山词霸? 1.下载这些词典很容易让电脑在不知不觉中被下载软件全家桶 2.这些词典比较商业化,弹窗广告很多 3.这些词典里的品类太多,容易让人分心
    xnyjb 8-29
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    西宁没有雅思考点,需要考雅思的童鞋请参照此贴,找自己喜欢的考点。 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5288637286
    xnyjb 8-28
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    雅思大作文要做的第一件事就是改写题目。 之后开始写 Body 部分。 Body1 写5句左右,每句20个单词左右。 Body2写5句左右,每句20个单词左右。 最后写 conclusion,一句话结束。 题目: Manypeople prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be? Should governments give more financial support to local film industries? Essay 作者:西宁雅思殷老师 It is common today that foreign films inmany countries are more popular and welcomed than locally made ones. Therecould be several reasons why this is the c
    xnyjb 8-27
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    xnyjb 8-26
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    What does Since mean? On the other hand, the word since is used as a conjunction as well as a preposition. As a conjunction, since means ‘because, or for the reason that.’ As a preposition, it is used in the sense of ‘from’ to indicate a time period. Observe the two sentences given below. Robert was on leave yesterday since he suffered from fever. Lucy could not bring the book since she lost it. In both the sentences, the word since is used in a way to explain the reason behind a happening. That means, here, since is used as a conjunction in the sense of ‘for the reason that.’ In t
    xnyjb 8-23
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    “Put the money beneath the statue.” “Fifty bucks.” “Yes,” she says. “Now, come love me.” He unbuttons his blue jeans and removes his olive T-shirt. She massages his white shoulders with her brown fingers; then she turns him over and begins to make love to him with her hands, and her fingers, and her tongue. It seems to him that the lights in the red room have been dimmed, and the sole illumination comes from the candle, which burns with a bright flame.
    xnyjb 8-23
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    The red room contains a bed, upon which are white satin-stylesheets and an oxblood bedspread. At the foot of the bed is a small wooden table, upon which is a small stone statue of a woman with enormous hips, and a candleholder. The woman hands the man a small red candle. “Here,” she says.“Light it.” “Me?” “Yes,” she says, “If you want to have me.” “I shoulda just got you to suck me off in the car.” “Perhaps,” she says. “Don’t you want me?” Her hand runs up her body from thigh to breast, a gesture of presentation, as if she were demonstrating a new product. Red
    xnyjb 8-23
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    In a dark red room—the color of the walls is close to that of raw liver—is a tall woman dressed cartoonishly in too-tight silk shorts, her breasts pulled up and pushed forward by the yellow blouse tied beneath them. Her black hair is piled high and knotted on top of her head. Standing beside her is a short man wearing an olive T-shirt and expensive bluejeans. He is holding, in his right hand, a wallet and a Nokia mobilephone with a red-white-and-blue faceplate.
    xnyjb 8-23
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    容易造成误解的词 铁蛋在会上强调,要加强国民身体素质。 我们在外出旅行时要注意自身的素质。 小王在工作中表现出很高的综合素质。 厕所里有人。 有人给脸不要脸。 这个人说话很有水平。 你买的这件东西需要水平放置。 除了小明,大家都到了。 除了你手中拿的,我还有三个手机。 这是你要寄送的包裹。 云朵包裹着太阳,半边天都暗了。 从今往后,我不管你了。 不管有多少困难,我们都要完成任务。
    xnyjb 8-23
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    Each’ and ‘every’ are determiners, words that are ‘used with singular nouns to indicate quantity’. There are differences between the two that are important to grasp for usage, though. ‘Each’ is used when there are two objects; here ‘every’ is not used. For example, - He wore multiple bracelets on each hand (note: singular noun). - There were two of them. They each carried backpacks, and each backpack (note: singular noun) contained invaluable souvenirs. In case there are more than two objects, either of the two may be used. - He wanted each/every item on the catalogue. - Ther
    xnyjb 8-23
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    Big and large overlap for sizes and numbers; However big can mean 'important' a big family ~ an important family / a family with many members a large family ~ a family with many members a big event, an important event / an event with many people involved a large event - an event with many people involved big can mean 'grown up, old enough, mature' a big boy - a grown up boy, old enough / a big-sized boy a large boy - a big-sized boy
    xnyjb 8-23

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目录: 出国留学