12Dubstep是电子乐的一种,源于伦敦,受新千年早期的英伦车库乐影响,由AMMUNITION PROMOTIONS命名,从音乐理论来说,DUBSTEP以其黑暗色调,稀疏的节奏,和低音上的强调著称,Dubstep一开始只在当地的一些小地方传播,直到后来的2005和06年早期,由于一些网站的传播作用,才使这种类型的音乐得以保留和发展,像DUBSTEPFORUM,下载站点Barefile,还有像GUTTERBREAKZ通过博客来介绍,同时,一些杂志像THE WIRE和网络刊物PITCHFORK MEDIA对其进行了大篇幅报道,在2006年1月期
901 Easy World I will stop your crazy work I’ll lead you to easy world Can’t you see they are looking for Another day to paradise I won’t leave you alone And let this be the reason makes you failed I am not another passenger in your life To be a kite without the string Then you will have nothing to slay Who asked you must to be a murderer (I will stop your crazy work) Why can’t you be another kite? (I’ll lead you to easy world) To be a kite without