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14A villain is in control.A villain is a mask of elegance and style,behind which is a warring and brilliant intelligence.But the trick is to make it all look easy.I think the best bad guys are very charming and very witty,and the villainy has it where comes the twist of the wrist or the flip of the finger.We never break a sweat,we don't get our hands dirty.And the devil plays all the best tunes,and particularly in a British accent.
8【时限之塔 近郊】 高耸入云的石质塔身与外面的岩地浑然一体,偶尔会有几只蓬松的麻雀落在岩地突出的石头上,宛若几个静止的句号,它们有时会抬起小巧
1What can I hold you with? I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the jagged suburbs. I offer you the bitterness of a man w