0经核实吧主Raul·Madrider 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 隔世的雕像吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
261、对函数式语言的误解 很早的时候,“函数式语言”对于我来说就是 Lisp,因为 Lisp 可以在程序的几乎任何位置定义函数,并且把它们作为值来传递(这1发现好多地方要用到RE,然后就把你送的那本书翻出来看了。感觉正则表达式可读性堪忧估摸着写完以后几个星期自己都不认得了0来打个卡0And have not yet named. The happy anticipation of being able to feel contempt.12一楼先空着0就有一种想烧死这sb的冲动。0To my delight, I still get compliments on and criticisms of my post from three years ago (can it possibly be that long?) on parallelism and3博客容我缓缓吧……没想到这么艰难 ------You are not expected to understand that.来自 爱贴吧HD for Windows810每个人小时候心里都是没有权威的,就像每个人小时候也都不相信广告一样。可是权威就像广告,它埋伏在你的潜意识里。听一遍不信,听两遍不信,……,直4The second part of this talk pursues some of the scientific and educational consequences of the assumption that computers represent a radical novelty. In order to give this assumption clear contents, we have to be much more precise as to what we mean in this context by the adjective "radical". We shall do so in the first part of this talk, in which we shall furthermore supply evidence in support of our assumption. The usual way in which we plan today for tomorrow is in yesterday's vocabulary. We do so, because we try to get away with the concepts we are familiar with and that have ac2估计等我回家再过两天就完成了90We often heard of the “KISS” principle, which means “Keep It Simple, Stupid”, but simplicity is easier said than done. Ironically, there6本楼id均赐封一天5RT ------You are not expected to understand that.来自 爱贴吧HD for Windows830亚太地区形式化方法暑期学校 报名还要成绩单筛选…… ------You are not expected to understand that.来自 爱贴吧HD for Windows80然后是scanf,先记下了 ------You are not expected to understand that.来自 爱贴吧HD for Windows852小伙伴们快来看吧 @yuwen9524 @lanyi694972101 ------You are not expected to understand that.来自 爱贴吧HD for Windows84主要是把一个函数作为参数传入另一个函数的处理。2难得用回ios客户端2我能说人多得坐满了整个报告厅的座位和楼梯么还有一大堆站着的。旁边坐着一大堆大四的还有研究生神马的。然后回去以后补作业补的飞起0http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/05/boyer-moore_string_search http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2013/05/Knuth%E2%80%93Morris%E2%823一觉睡爽了起来发现才8点多的感觉真是爽4Python 在程序语言里处于一种近似地痞流氓的低位。要效率没效率,要简单又是一堆的“过度工程”,要安全就更没有了。开发效率更是无厘头,一个错误找4http://tieba.baidu.com/p/258596356612006年的职场出奇的冷清,相比前几年,简历的数量和质量都大为不如,很难得找到三年工作经验以上的人,有一个不是特别笨,就是特别怪。就是么,干得好7自己的HTC G13实在是用不下去了。动不动就应用程序退出,实在受不了了。用了两年也该寿终正寝了7和29连联谊,结果两个节目刚过29连就走了一大半留下一群19连的汉子自嗨最后快结束的时候听到坐我旁边的妹子说:19连干嘛要喊我们来一起联谊,他们自己1你皇这次抓住了温格的自尊心,好好坑了一把七千万那6虽然很厚,不过讲的确实很详细。1早点百度还好点311一楼献给@yuwen9524