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0中医和道医,其实是外星人传授给我们的祖先炎黄的,就是为了我们中国古代的穷人和道士们能健康长寿! 其实,从西医的近来的研究证实,阿尔兹海默症、帕金森症、库鲁病、克——雅氏综合症、格斯特曼综合症及致死性家族性失眠症,其实都与疯牛病类似,或多或少都与“朊蛋白病毒”有关,更进一步从属于“免疫系统疾病”。 而中医和道医正好可以结合西医的急救治疗,更好的调理和治疗人的免疫系统和此类疾病。但是,可悲的是,中医和道
72 The flying and fighting principle of the future spacefighter(the saucer-shaped spacecraft) in the space. Fig.2.1| The spacefighter will be flying in the vacuum environment of the space,the first request is the flight attitude and the directional stability,then it will require to make some sectional mass of the airframe into spinning stability of satellites.And the request of using radar to detect the stealth aircraft or the request of armor protection,it will further require that the airframe will be flattening on a 360-degree view of the attackable horizontal.Namely the attacked shell are
123 The lift principle of the future spacefighter(the saucer-shaped spacecraft) which will be flying in the atmospheres of sun and all the planets in our solar system Fig.3.1 | As a kind of future spacefighter which will be flying in our solar system,the major task of the saucer-shaped spacecraft will be flying and fighting on the gas giants of Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,and Naptune which always have the iciest and mightiest of three-phase fluids(gas,liquid and solid) storm (when we will be able to compete for resources on the gas giants),and on the sun which always have the hottest and fiercest of e
11 The future flying requests on the Aeronautics and the Astronautics 1.1 The diversities and the similarities of flying in the atmosphere of Sun , Jupiterm , Saturn , Uranus , Naptune , and Earth , especially the requests on the VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) Space Fighter a,In the future,our earth civilization’s spacecraft will have to be flying and fighting in the atmosphere of Sun,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Naptune,on which the atmosphere environments are too bad.This fact is more diffcult and more important than the interstellar-travel in the outer space.Because our space industry will a