0经核实吧主deepinside7 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 deepinside7吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0那时候,我真以为,我们不会分开了。 然而,印象中的爱情好像,顶不住那时间。 所以,就让这份感情,安静的葬在这片海中。
2见到了不想见到的人 真是讨厌 明明觉得此生应该再也见不到 也不想见到了 为何还是要看到 真是烦躁啊啊啊 啊啊啊 烦死了
0最近有点累啊 身体状况也不太好
03.1. Control charts for proteomics dataAs discussed above, the first task to be carried out is systemcharacterisation. log2 transformed raw
0Mission accomplished From Nokia Lumia 1020
0I feel good Please let me get outta here From Nokia Lumia 1020
0This is the last mission I cannot give up at this moment I still have brain to think Never give up! Never! From Nokia Lumia 1020
0Who can save me? Will I be the loser eventually? Will I give up everything like what I am doing? Will I meet the termination before long? I
0来吧 我才不怕你们呢! 尽管放马过来吧! There is nothing I cannot solve! 让你们看看学渣的威力! Come on! 失败者才不会是我呢! 绝对不会! From No
0必须要努力 生存意识太弱了 完全没有意识到自己有多么弱小 弱小到什么都无法掌控 这么混混沌沌耗费生命 还不如死掉算了 给我加油啊 不努力会死掉的啊!
0Gotta fight! I won't be too hard Just work harder! Come on!
1好痛苦 要好好复习! From Panacea's sweet Lumia 920~
0没有跨不去的坎 我一定会加油的 Please believe me I won't let you down I will never lose my hope
0Regrets collect like old friends悔恨如故友般再次聚集 here to relieve your darkest moments又一次经历最灰暗的时刻 I can see no way, I can see
0This is not the END. It would be a start. I gotta make it. May it is too harsh, I shouldn't be the loser! COME ON! YOU CAN DO IT!
0Spare no efforts to reach the goal! I must make it! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0I will keep my promise and try my utmost to achieve the goal. Just go for broke!
0撑不住了 倒下算了 这年代伤不起唉o()^))o
0心情不好吃饭都吃不动了 早饭晚饭都没力气吃饭了 伤不起唉 太可怕了 快考试了要加油加油啊Deep 跑路也要看看自己的绩点啊 什么JHU还很遥远啊 在这么下
09 PM就要倒下啦 清晨6点半就要爬起来开始干活 Today My Life Begins 加油加油哦 >_<~~~