7之前关注艾伦旁派吧我的天冷清~,这个时刻无意间看到Ellen Pompeo吧,我傻了,真是的竟然不知道搜英文!!!!!!还好还好能在比较来得及的时刻关注这个嘻嘻开心,广大吧友们,你们好
11Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey picture on set of Grey's Anatomy Oct 4, 2012. Promoting donating organs tshirt
8413512376转自GA吧。大家真的不活跃啊。。每天来都没看到有新帖子.. 一楼先给Ellen. 被吞楼吓怕了。6想看ellen去领奖有木有~~~~4第一季到第九季,大家都老了,除了Wbebber是黑人看不出来,其他人都老了.3转自GA吧噢~~这个吧是只是在这了而已嘛....都没帖子更新耶... Ellen Pompeo arrives back at LAX Airport after having a family vacation on Wednesday (October 9) in Los Angeles. The 43-year-old actress, her husband Chris Ivery, and their four-year-old daughter Stella were seen sightseeing around Rome, Italy the three days prior! “Got off work early thanks to @TheRealKMcKidd looks like I’m hanging with ya’ll for #Greys200 no place I’d rather be #grateful,” Ellentweeted the day after, right before the latest episode of her hit show Grey’s Anatomy aired on ABC.17看上这款手机了@一见§倾心911Ellen Pompeo holds her adorable daughter Stella‘s hand while eating some ice cream on Friday (November 2) in Los Angeles. Last weekend, the2@icecynthia1410