13EC Reunites With Esteemed "Slowhand" Producer Glyn Johns For "I Still Do". New Studio Album Available 20 May 2016. Music legend Eric Clapton has reunited with famed producer Glyn Johns for his forthcoming 23rd studio album, I Still Do, set for release on 20 May 2016 on his Bushbranch Records/Surfdog Records. Clapton and Johns – who has also produced albums for The Eagles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and The Who – most famously worked together on Clapton’s iconic Slowhand album, which is RIAA-certified 3x-platinum and topped charts globally. The 12-track record i
80http://pan.baidu.com/ share/link?shareid= 3154785768&uk= 338880232111.BAD LOVE Eric: “Warner Brothers wanted another ‘Layla’. I thought, 'well, if you sit down and write a song in a formatted way, it's not so hard.' You think ‘What was “Layla” comprised of? A fiery intro modulated into the first verse and chorus with a riff around it. I had this stuff in my head, so I just juggled it around, and Mick Jones (of the group Foreigner) came in to help tidy up. He was the one who said ‘You should put a "Badge" middle in there'. So, we did that. Although it sounds like a cold way of doing it, it actually took on it's own li537181621这张里面主要是68年ec的disareli gears的在atco的小样,和部分现场4218Get Lost I*m sorry Why should I say, I*m sorry? If I hurt you You know you*ve hurt me too 对不起 为什么我要说对不起? 如果我伤害了你 你清楚你也伤害了我 But you get lost inside your tears And there is nothing I can do *Cause I get lost inside my fear That I am nothing without you 但是你迷失在你的眼泪里了 而我什么都做不了 因为我也迷失在我的恐惧里了 除了你我什么也没有 You*re angry Why shouldn*t you be angry? With what we*ve been through Well, I get angry too 你很愤怒 你怎么可能不愤怒呢? 我们一起经历了这12首先,先向广大会员道歉。 由于本人这两天外出上大学,没时间管理贴吧,造成贴吧混乱。不过也只是部分别有用心的人的幼稚行为,大家不必理他。 另外,贴吧需要管理员,小吧,或者大吧。有意的朋友可以后台申请。我们学校牵网线还需一段时间,我马上也要军训,所以更少有时间来弄这些。希望广大会员积极申请管理,大家一起努力创造和谐、美好的ericclaton吧。6这次先把2004的DVD给大家926全部20个G全发度娘会抽……我分发吧30在外国网站找了很久,终于找到了这个全集,一楼敬百度71129ec我爱你371楼感谢@Duke_Randolph @YardbirdRY3视频没有字幕,对于我这种英语不好的人来说,听得很累...33ec将于七月底发行新专辑56木琴的弹唱 无聊的时候唱吧录的 不知道网页能不能听 瞎玩 勿喷 地址 http://changba.com/s/9b4Bu7_VYfFqTewfp0Ua1Q?code=Gt1bjDM0qnF-9Z737百度5www.whereseric.com不用谢我。7http://tieba.baidu.com/p/27325400133518Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Albums of All Time 193 AFZ 24 KT + Gold CD, 2009 John Mayall的Bluesbreakers诞生了许多位吉他猛人。 Eric Clapton,Peter Green,Mick Taylor、Mick Fleetwood真的好多,Eric Clapton后来的奶油和新兵可能是大家更为熟悉的,Peter Green更是在离开Bluesbreakers后成了早期金属的中坚。 John Mayall作为英国早期Blues的接受者和推广者,理应受到更多的尊重。英国蓝调之父这个称呼实至名归,而这位怪才更是位乐器多面手口琴,风琴,钢琴,吉他演奏样样不俗。在风格上,Jo516最近萌翻这首歌了 求人气求支持 http://fc.5sing.com/6353779.html241L 买了一个多月了,穿的皱巴巴的,虽然很大7吧里好像还没有这个 灵感是福尔摩斯吧的一套签字,我做的没有原作者好,哈哈57吧里已经有51人了,所以,吧主爆照吧!!! 也为了方便大家以后爆照,就开了贴 ,就是这样,36一楼送给百度 以及 Eric9