83622从左边开始: Fredrick, Shaun, Logan and Chris9Live acoustic from Genghis Cohen 08/14/0816就是14号晚上演出的照片,共5张~ 有新的我会再发!12上传好久了,,,忘了发帖 呵呵 没看过的就看吧61L留给百度大妈!799Eric是个很有爱心的叔叔~~1316ericdill吧 当前所属目录: 欧美明星(分类排名:411) 映射目录: 无1130大家要是有什么eric的签名图..或者是收藏了什么eric的签名图就发上来吧.. 这个吧是做签名图的地方....要是想做签名图..把图片和要求写上去就好了... http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=%C7%A9%C3%FB%CD%BC211.比较长的.带一点卷的头发.棕色17http://sign.igogo8.com/sign0.html#3345435这两首似乎是没有正式发表过的作品,第一首属性里面写的是Greetings From Imrie House Advanced,不知道是什么意思,不过反正CD里是没有这首歌啦。我觉得前奏有点像just the girl。第二首只有live版,虽然很不清晰,但是可以听出歌不错。 另外附送一首kyle唱的just the girl,没听过的可以听听看,然后来发表一下感想,我就不说什么了…… The Click Five - I Think We're Alone Now http://www.**files.com/?065OST5CW49WK7OETMTW All I Need Is You LIVE http://www.**files.com/?4I08RKTQXIPROIC79KTI139一共四首~ 一楼还是给百度好了~19无意中找到的~ 二楼~13Eric Dill graduated from Purdue University in Indiana with a bachelor is industrial technology. Soon after, he was invited into the band the Click Five, with some of his old friends. He became the lead singer and guitarist for the band, and soon, he and the band came out with their first cd, Greetings From Irmie House. As of March 2007, Eric said he was leaving the band in hopes of getting is own career started in going solo and possible acting.4喜欢BLG和eric,欢迎有空来玩。 http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=BOYSLIKEGIRLS8下载地址http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/cgi-bin/fileid.cgi?fileid=21683307喜欢SP的朋友们常来 http://post.baidu.com/f?kw=%BC%F2%B5%A5%BC%C6%BB%AE&frs=yqtb2293ERIC DILL吧的每日签到哦.. 8.24 我来也