16就能引发世界的冲突 我就等解封了我的原号再慢慢收拾arenaking 至于现在我的原号还在地狱嘛。。过两天就出来了 我就叫arenaking永远下地狱
1http://killzone.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page 很推荐的说,有空给大家翻译
10若大家对 KILLZONE3 吧有什么建议或意见的话 都在这里提吧~ 总之更吧务有关的事情 请在这里留言~
32图片全部来自Deviantart,作者太多,不便一一申请授权,先贴,人家找上门来再说也无妨,不过我觉得老外一般不会找到中文BBS上来,更何况贴吧(邪恶了 我没玩过2代,也没混过KZ系列的相关圈子,如果有贴重复的不要喷我…… 免责说明: Killzone3 belongs to Sony Fan arts belong to original artists,if the painters feel uncomfortable plz contact me to remove.I'm sorry for discomfort.
2We’ve been playing KZ3 online multiplayer here non-stop for the past 2 months, and the amount of trash talking in the office is at an all time high. That got us thinking…who is truly the best KZ3 player out there? Well, we’re all about to find out in a big way. We’re very excited to announce the first ever KZ3 online tournament - the Get Your Edge KZ3 Challenge. PlayStation, Edge Shave Gel, and Virgin Gaming are looking to crown a champion, and we are offering up a $40,000 prize pool to find out who is the best of the best. This is a 3v3 tournament, so round up two of your best buds, s
3Ever since we announced the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition, one of the questions we've been asked most frequently is "will there be more Killzone action figures?" Today, we can answer that question with a proud and unequivocal yes. Today sees the release of Killzone Series 1, an action figure series consisting of the Helghast Assault Infantry and the uncloaked Helghast Sniper. Creator DC Unlimited is no strangers to PlayStation properties: Last year, it released awesome plastic renditions of the characters from Ratchet & Clank and Resistance. This time, DC Unlimited has turned its exquisite
5Back in February, we revealed that we were working on a brand-new DLC Pack for Killzone 3 called Steel Rain. Today, we are proud to announce that the pack is finished and heading for the PlayStation Store! Steel Rain consists of two explosive new multiplayer maps inspired by locations from the single player campaign: Junkyard, a Guerrilla Warfare map which sees Jetpacks and Exoskeletons clashing in a rain-drenched junk processing facility; and Stahl Arms, a uniquely styled Warzone map set on the factory floor of one of Helghan’s largest weapons manufacturing plants. Tomorrow, the map pack w
9亚版 13G
10简化版杀戮地带3 此版本去掉了3D过场视频和一些删减视频 带中文字幕 23.5G 没有3D电视的朋友建议下载这个版本
10QQ群号:94424285 请霸主入群 大家一起讨论 ..
23一楼百度。 本人在寝室地方小。没办法~
13这个奖杯不难,难的是在于不知道哪里有一群赫尔盖斯特还有一个弹药箱 就是拿狙击枪干掉狙击手那关,拿到狙击枪之后,不是看到有电弧炮坦克在下面吗?就是下面那里非常多武装赫尔盖斯特,看到有三个以上的赫尔盖群就往那里去扔,不过killzone3扔手雷的方式感觉在扔石头一样重..要多试几次才行..奖杯难度:easy+
6一楼 度娘
16欧版 3D支持 带中文字幕 3.55kmeaw+MultiMan1.15.05+引导可运行[43.5G]
27(个人翻译,转载请注明) 杀戮地带系列(Killzone)是sony为自己主机扛鼎的第一人称射击大作。从一代开始就吸引了众多眼球。现在,大部分经典游戏的背后都会有一个精彩的剧情。个人看,杀戮地带的剧情非常不错,虽然也有宇宙飞船什么的,但整体的设计主要还是走成熟路线,这款游戏没有说着英语、到处乱跑的外星人,也没有从地底下突然窜出、一脑子要踢地球人屁股的高科技生命,而是讲的人性、人与人之间的斗争。武器上也能体现出这一
4美观上来讲..你懂得 但是对于杀戮地带的fans来说是个不错的东西 爱屋及乌嘛..
12Killzone3的故事背景 Killzone3的故事紧接着Killzone2的结局,游戏在ISA的特种队员Sev成功击败了Radec并且同伴Rico杀死了Helghast帝国首领Visari。Visari留下的是一大批用来进攻ISA的Helghast母舰。 Helghast首领的死去在Heighast内部造成了巨变。Killzone3里,Sev和他的同伴Rico被陷入了Heilghast的内战环境,而Helghast军也重新集结完毕,ISA与Helghast的战斗又一次展开了! 在前几作的发售以后,媒体普遍认为Killzone系列有强大的故事背景,但是游戏主线