14此贴为Missy Higgins的咨询帖。
10各位吧友大家好!经过灰色长廊,我回来了。希望大家继续关注Missy的最新消息,还有她7月份即将出炉的新专《The Ol' Razzle Dazzle》. 为了方便大家阅读,我随便译了下Missy官网关于新专的邮件,仅供参考。Whatever,Hope u'll always love her and her music. From Missy Higgins: Hello,大家好! 对我来说(或许你们也会觉得),经过那么长时间我才出第三张专辑,真的有点难以置信吧。我知道接下来的几个月,你们会了解到更多的详情:比如我所经历的事情,为何那么久才
571.Going north Capo:1 or 2em bm C GI wanna dance the tango with chanceC G DI wanna ride on the wire em bm C GCos nothing gets done with dust in your gun C G DAnd nobody respects a liar C G D emSo Goodbye for a while I'm off to explore D C DEvery boundary and every door G Cadd9 DYeah I'm going north G Cadd9 D em bm C GI wanna know where children would go C G DIf they never learned to be cool em bm C GCos nothing's achieved when pushed up a sleeve C G DTill nobody thinks you're a fool C G D emSo goodbye for a while I'm out to learn more D C DAbout who I really was before G Cadd9 DYeah I'm going n
51顺便还想申请会员~ Hoho~
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