0The Dangerous Notion That Debt Doesn’t Matter BySteven Rattner Steven Rattner WITH little fanfare, a dangerous notion has taken hold in pr
0面对转基因食品,我们该何去何从? How I Got Converted to G.M.O. Food ByMARK LYNAS Mohammed Rahman doesn’t know it yet, but
3然而现实中老人却面临窘境,所以让我们来看看这篇社论怎么说 The Liberation of Growing Old ByANNE KARPF WHY do we have such punitive attitudes toward old people? Granted, the ancients did hideous things to elders who were unable to work but still needed food and care, but in more recent times, that had changed: In 18th-century New England, it was common for people to make themselves seem older by adding years to their real age, rather thansubtracting them. Onceupon a time, “senile” just meant old, without being pejorative. Even“geriatric” was originally a value-
412月系列出炉! 北美亚太共享!!! Do we only help others in order to help ourselves insome way? (2008.12) Wouldit be better if
2711月亚太区重点 谎言类 科技信息类 1)Does the process of doing something matter more than the outcome? (2011.1) 2)Should
0深度解析北美10月考题 Should young people focus on developing just onetalent? 这道题的出题背景体现出了美国在大学教育中对青年一代的学科学习的深切关注与担忧。其实这个也是每个学生和青年人值得深刻思考的一个问题,即“博学”和“专攻”。 古语有云:“术业有专攻”,如果青年人从小发掘自己的talent,并能够持之以恒,“一条路走到黑”,大多会有异于常人的成就。 解析:对一个特长或学科的专注,心无旁骛,能够让青年人更好把这门特长做到极致
17这次十月主推两个分类 英雄领导及名人类 谎言类, N久没考的分类,大家一定认真准备。 重点复习题目如下: 1. Is a person responsible,through the e
2这次有强烈的预感会考到Loyalty,果真也出了... 2015年6月北美区SAT作文解析 Is it impossible to maintain conflicting loyalties? Loyalty这个概念已经连续两个月出现在北美考区了(2015年5月考到了Does loyalty need unconditional support? )。这次点题时,写作老师们也多次提及此题。 如果说loyalty已经让很多考生费解,那么conflictingloyalties更是让很多人游走在跑题的边缘。 下面让我们来看一段对conflicting loyalties的解读: “We live in groups and the questionof loyalty to our groups often comes up
1Assignment: Should people be treated according to what they are capable of achievinginstead of what they have actually done?(2012.1)
12Jack Welch Jack Welch is the former Chairman and CEOof General Electric between 1981 and 2001. Welch gained a solid reputation for uncannybusiness acumen and unique leadership strategies at GE as he bravely challenged the bureaucracywithin the company by introducing policies such as reduce employees and layers of human resourceshierarchy, cutting lackluster old-line units, expanding the broadness of the stock options programat GE from just top executives to nearly one third of all employees implementing informalatmosphere in GE and promoting the concept of pragmatism in order to stimulate theg
20Jiro ono We live in a world of ‘good enough’. Weeasily forget that in order to create something that truly stands out anddelights customers it takes vision, passion and standards that are way beyond‘standard’. ThoughJapanhas declared Jiro ono a national treasure, he still says, at the age ofeighty-five, “All I want to do is make better sushi.” He goes to work every dayby getting on the train from the same position, he always tastes his food as hemakes it, and he dislikes holidays. Jiro is described as a shokunin—aperson who embodies the artisan spirit of the relentless pursuit of
0寄语:欢迎大家前来讨论,解决迷惑 第一题:香港区:Is having too many choices a problem? 第二题:韩国区:Should people think before the speak?