0经核实吧主SergeantYork 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 sergeantyork吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
2Things ain't always set in stone.
0can't do nothing big without no blueprint.
0@船长大人万岁 what more can i say?
0whatever will be, will be.
0smoke some weed, drink some wine reminisce talk some shit forever young is in your mind leave a mark they can't erase neither space nor time
0the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too.
2Boys do things out of emotion, men reason. Boys find euphoria from others fear toward them, men value others respect.
0was I talking, or were only my lips moving and my head is thinking? I thought I made a sound but I actually did not? others response proved
19歌词里那么多脏字干什么?哪有评价mc好坏是按照脏字量的? 还有,你们歌词里那么多假话干什么?mc是比意淫能力么?一嘴一my lambo, my ak, lv?一个轮
0I gotta keep hustlin'!
1my heat shell anoint them.
5立证:你们以后谁看到我(ID: SergeantYork,以及我贴吧会员里的一堆马甲,我不会再去申请新的马甲,骗人没OFFER)再去逛Eminem贴吧,把图截下来,给
12从一级到十八级0there's one life one love so there can only be one king0two pills i popped, til my pupils swell up like two pennies0I don't wanna argue over anything that the result, either i win or lose, doesn't interests me at all. I don't argue over anything that the r0人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛4itunes手动同步导致播放次数错乱,但是凭印象,这张专辑听了两三百遍绝对没什么问题,持续听,现在做不到一开始每天至少一遍吧,但一星期4,5遍还是没0How many ladies in the house without a spouse? Somethin' in your blouse got me feelin' so aroused.0you can't do nothing but get out of my face.0cuz I suffer from realness.0then I got high0then have a dream of lighting up trees, you know what i'm talking about.0but it's not how I'm getting by1I did that time and spend that bread.0Sticky icky icky0Kanye West 1.Graduation 2.My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 3.808s & Heartbreak Eminem 1.The Slim Shady LP 2.The Marshall Mathers LP 3.T0在LRC找个靠窗户的桌子拿本书读太惬意了0Everything I am0SWAT里面,追穿着湖人球衣con的那个cop是LL Cool J70咳嗽打喷嚏从来不敢把嘴捂着,考生物会答题有吊用,还是没素质的废物!