0经核实吧主chocolatexxyyq 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 sondre吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
1Ask me anything you like I'll reveal everything I will treasure the truth You could know anything I am but a fool to play unaware of things If I'd treasured the truth I would tell it to you I'm coming down to tell you what I know To say what's real, to let you know Where I have been and how I had to Sleep on needles You'll believe you are hard Sleep on needles And hear only the truth Am I likely to succeed with the way things are? Judging by your smile You are holding something back I'm sleepless around midnight There's a change in the wind The remembrance of things you used to hold back I com
1When there is light from up above then there will come a sacred dove to the basement, to the basement When there is fear you won?t have to cry napkins are here, they?ll dry your eyes and blind them, and blind them They will come to your home When they are here faces down When there is greed taking control moving the bricks and starving the older people oh, people if you seek shelter from your past they?ll come to point their fingers where you cast your shadow cast your shadow They will come to your home When they are here faces down But you have been fooled You knew the rules by heart There is
9Faces Down》Sondre Lerche2003年3月3日推出 1.Dead Passengers 2.You Know So Well 3.Sleep On Needles 4.Suffused With Love 5.Side Two 6.Modern Nature 7.Virtue And Wine 8.On And Off Again 9.No One's Gonna Come 10.All Luck Ran Out 11.Things You Call Fate
3我是如此喜欢他,可是 www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/zh_cn/Sondre_Lerche 这是他在Worldingo里的档案, 机器翻译,大家将就着看吧 这比百度百科的完整多了! 啊!!他就那么早结婚了,二十三岁没够就结了!! 连点幻想都不留给我! ………… 什么时候能来中国演出??
1一楼百度,大家听我下面细细讲来,不省钱欢迎大家来拍砖! TUzKM
13新手奉送。000公-司-招-聘-网络--工-人,可在家-工-作,日保底--100元以上。 请访问 www点zhaopin68点com 应聘 绝对不用-自己投资*一分钱。诚心找-工作的来 いー人 とかカ‰人05////////////////////////////5they were seen hi-jacking someone?s car they drove far away and it?s in the news, the papers too it?s all around some of us already knew the truth we'd call it salvation for the street I'll make sure you come clean it never happened before when we were playing it's serious now 'cause someone's luck runs out tonight it's a terrible fright na na na na na... they came here to steal the things they lack computer equipment and chemical stuff 'cause we have enough we give it away but someone let the steam up way too soon it is tremendous in our way we'd never seen it in our street it never happened0I find it hard, hard to let go And you are entitled to know You have brought nothing else but bliss, a great deal of frustration, a voluntary occupation driving me insane and off the wall And we were free to choose each other But now it seems like something other So have you placed me where I stand? We turned caring like a mother, afraid to lose each other It got us this far Now problems are: I have no bags to pack, no suitcase waiting in the hall You have no make-up, no stockings in my drawer Oh, how did we forget? How could we forget? It's easy to learn if you never regret When you live in p0Down in the valley you?re close to the sun but we?re heading closer as close as can come so you said `you have to put some truth into your words? Down in the valley, inside your mansion you won?t have to speak to express what you feel but I said; `you know how it feels but not what to do? It doesn?t make sense how you can leave the ground and enter the sky and stay there too Down in the valley: a myriad of fools and sometimes they invite you to do what you do, and these fools share my opinion that flying is crazy too Down in the valley a choice has been made a new reputation, it sleeps in your0I've come to fill you up I've come to taste the price I'll pay I've come to leave a note I've come to see you on and off again There have been tragic affairs Ever so unreliable And I could just see through these fingers and give it one more try But nothing stays the same I stand in my own way I hear you called again I know not what to say I've changed, become another The one you used to stalk is real I've come to make it better I've come to see you through the end again And all the rumours in this house Ever so unreliable I would neglect them If only lies gave us one more try But nothing stays0Summer killed the ones you loved I hesitate and tell you When people leave without goodbye I lose another brick The buildings are tall the world explains all and here I stand and face myself: I lead the way for us I've frozen down my memory It's morning when she gets up She puts on Lionel Ritchie I've already had enough The queues are long Guess I am wrong This chemical environment is getting out of hand Virtue and wine cannot help you swim Pain and sorrow must come if you go It?s the chemistry and the things we should?nt do I am nothing without you Ba-ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba0The moment has come to face the truth I'm wide awake, and so are you Do you have a clue what this is? (I don't know) Are you everything that I miss? (I don't hope so) We'll just have to wait and see (Wait, and see) If things go right we're meant to be The surface is gone, we scratched it off We made some plans, and let them go Do you have the slightest idea (No, I don't) Why the world is bright with you here? (Oh, is that so?) Stay a while and wait and see (wait, and see) If things go right we're meant to be Oh, what a world this life would be Forget all your technicolour dreams Forget modern0Who wants to know about these tortured souls? Side two was about the tortured young and old Side two will show you how it's meant to be You'll see a blizzard and you'll leave Side two will show you how it's meant to be We're dying now He helps us out It is so sad to see what will become of me But I know, oh I know Who wants to live the lives of those who lived through execution, collecting votes? You'll see a blizzard and you'll leave Side two will show you things aren't what they seem We're dying now He helps you out It is so sad to see what will become of me But I know, oh I know Who wants t0I heard him yell something It shouldn't be this bad He's spitting as he says \"Hi\" I catch fire So fortunate for you You were free to choose That's not enough to keep me from yelling She shivers at her desk As he yells \"12 PM\" But no one's running late They're all airheads Cause he is on the move And these virgins talk about groove And make it sound so credible Oh tonight's suffused with love Don't spend all your time It's only hit and run Why spend all your time making someone else's dream? You always meet these girls Penetrating eyes And tentatively I require names But he is on their mind0Use every chance you've been given she replied after several days It's no good to be perfect you know so well things are easy to tell There is one thing I know it goes like this It's that when I'm down and out it's you I miss I have told you this before and my transparent mind won't cover see-through hearts I'll be straight with you now Now I'm not what you want just like the rest and you feel like you're subject to a test But if there's one thing I know it's this When I lose my sleep it's you I miss Chorus: You sleep all night you know you lie awake Tell me, yeah And time is running out now y0Mum All the other options that you had in mind starve me `Cause I'm optionless and turkey-free and blind Pa Won't you listen and I'll let you in on this Blind me! As you listen I'll reduce advice to dust Oh no! I shouldn't have to spell my name Ma! If it's worth the made up smiles, the quiet fights Oh mother! It is hard not to look in the mirror's eye I have come to this while you have come along So it's alright if you change your mind the other way around again I shouldn't have to spell my name So start the two way monologues that speak your mind We're talking two way monologues with words th