80各位吧友,时隔2年,置顶加精贴子“【图文并茂】Windows10实现安装VIPER4Windows体验震撼视听效果”,传送门http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4507652182 帮助多位吧友用上VIPER4Windows全局音效,然而随着Windows10升级到1709版本时,有多位吧友反应原贴方法不再有效了。所以楼主抽空,重新研究,实测有效后重新发表本帖,并且针对原贴部分设置进行修正。
18首先声明,本人是小白,我并不知道原理,只是分享一下成功过程,希望更多朋友能够成功。首先,我先看到贴吧里面http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3383727514这个帖子以后,下载了r271驱动,安装以后,然后在Google上面搜到了这篇文章 Here's something simple that got it working for me (by accident no less). I followed all the guides including the above, but none of it worked. So after giving up, I decided to install Equalizer APO to see if it would make for a decent replacement. Well, Equalizer APO ended up working just fine. But whi