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For the amazing dreamers.

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    If Daisy of the Great Gatsby were a real girl in today's world , if she were a little Wildfox, this is how I imagine her... cropped colored hair, wild and romantic, fun and bright and vivacious! I cast and shot my wonderful friend and talented model, Alexandra Spencer, to portray the updated character. I was also really inspired by New York, I spent a lot of nights exploring the city and staying out until sunrise, I read the book "The Rules of Civility" and felt so connected to the characters, I love Silent movies and the idea of the 1920s circus! If those black and white pictures suddenly cam
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    We recently did some specialty T shirts for Nordstrom and they asked for me to shoot and style a little promotional campaign for them based on the love of NYC. I instantly booked Amanda and we set sail for a Hamptons style shoot. It's very sweet, a little commercial, and it includes some trends I'm really loving for summer - All white outfits - White backpacks - Sandals with socks - Bright, coral lipstick - White jeans - Simple sneakers Photos by: Kimberley Gordon Modeled by: Amanda Booth(Amanda真的是Wildfox Couture出镜率最高的模特没有之一~~据说她大学还是主修数学的
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    Wildfox Pajamas are coming this October! Designed by the fabulous Leilani Shimoda with Creative Director, Kimberley Gordon, these incredibly soft, beautifully simple little pajama sets will make you want to move into your bed for good. For all those girls who love curling up with a good book and a cup of hot tea, for staying in a hotel room all day watching movies and ordering room service, for sisters who love to laugh and gossip under the sheets, for midnight snacking in the kitchen, organizing your mail, catching up on your favorite TV show... and getting cozy with the one you love most. As
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    Get inspired to get into nature this summer, this Pre fall collection will be released in June, unfortunately the chiffon dresses and slips will not be out until December :( This collection is very personal for me and was ignited by a moment under the stars with my friends last summer. We all drank whiskey and stripped down to little dresses and bathing suits, it was a warm windy night in Joshua Tree and we had nothing but blankets and an i-phone speaker blaring music from the inside of a cup (a trick I learned on that trip!) It made me think of my summers camping in High School, my inseparabl
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    Wildfox Couture’s Resort 2011 collection evokes a glamorous jet setting and poolside vacation lifestyle of the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. Designers Emily Faulstich and Kimberley Gordon say “Just as photographer Slim Aarons captured in his photo anthologies Once Upon A Time & A Place In The Sun, we were inspired to make a collection of pieces that reflect ‘beautiful people doing fabulous things,’ and a retro look at pool parties and leisurely days sitting by the pool with your very best friends.”
    控梦二 5-3
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    为振兴本吧,吧主准备开始弄明星外交贴了~插图全都是穿着Wildfox的明星们。 先在自己吧里头贴一个合集 1.Ashley Tisdale,可爱金色的卷发和甜美的笑容,她就是《High School Musical》中Sharpay的扮演者Ashley Tisdale。艾希莉三岁的时候便在一家商场被现在的经纪人Bill Perlman 发掘,12岁便曾在白宫进行过歌唱演出,同林赛·罗韩、米莎·巴顿等人曾为同一个时期福特公司旗下的儿童模特。获选TeenPeople杂志25岁以下25大人气明星之一。
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    1.Wildfox Couture 任意门:zhan.renren.com/ilovewildfox 这个小站每天更新三组图,全是关于Wildfox周边的图片。 Inspired by Sleepovers, Cult Classic Movies, Old Books, Fairy Tales, Dreams, Vintage T-Shirts, Female Icons and above all, Friendships. 这里的内容关乎睡衣派对,邪典电影,旧书,童话,梦境,复古T恤,女星和闺蜜情谊。 For dreamers, lovers, star gazers, barefoot explorers, skinny dippers and ice-cream-for-breakfast eaters. 如果你是梦想家,向往爱情,喜欢凝视夜空中的繁星,一无所有却依然快乐地探险
    Vicky_MJ7 4-26
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    If you are like me and hate working out, one trick that can help is to become a workout girl character and dress up in fun workout clothes! But there is nothing worse then spandex cutting you off in all the wrong places! That's why we made this 80's/90's inspired collection of super soft spandex exercise clothes that can also be worn as outer wear! Think Flash dance, 90210, Clueless, old Jazzercise videos, Tiffany Amber Thiesen, Camp Beverly Hills and all things fun and feminine!! All shot on my gorgeous friend & model, Annie Helvey... doesn't she play the perfect, 80's "Valley Girl"? Enjo
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    Coming within the next two weeks is our summer collection of pin up inspired clothing!! We had so much fun designing this and shooting it. It stars our muse, the brilliant model Valerie Van Der Graaf, who is the ultimate pin-up girl, and is shot by me. I hope you guys enjoy it and are inspired to read the history of the pin up girl, maybe even order a copy of the book I linked here! Can you see which pin up images and artists inspired these shots? XX Model: Valerie Van Der Graaf Photographer: Kimberley Gordon STyling: Kimberley Gordon, Meredith Leyerzaph, Emily Siegel Make up: Carlene K Hair:
    Vicky_MJ7 4-26
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    街拍图楼,禁止插楼,欢迎楼中楼回复: ) 我会定期更新,尽力做到张张经典
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    最后这图是一个studio里面存放的kate moss的吻印
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    supertan6 11-17
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    A Story of Magic, N0.9, Wildfox2010
    supertan6 12-13
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    到目前为止Wildfox创始人兼设计师Kimberley Gordon发布的所有Inspiration Homework 灵感来源于生活多多积累才能有美的创造~~~ 有新图时也会在此楼更新:P

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会员: Foxes

目录: 个人贴吧