6http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/EKD2wyzocns/ 因为咱这视频别的贴吧没有,要放在这里会很费劲,大家过去看吧 这个版本被我定义为《模联人自娱自
3to everyone in the mun i've had a lot of sruples over the last few days of whether to stay in the assosiation or not, and now at last, i've made my final desicion. due to the challenging sat coming up in may and june, and my desiasterous school grade, i seriously think that it's time to concentrate on the sat and school work. here i present my farewell to all those in the mun and my apology for u have to find another delegate for the uk for this meeting, and for making my mind up so late. i've had great fun during my one and a half years in the mun for i found a place wh
2刘老师不是说27号晚能在MUN的邮箱里看到的吗? 我刚刚去瞅了一眼,最新的邮件都是08年底的啊?。。。 姐姐们能不能把那个结果再发一遍?麻烦你们啦
5星期一中午十二点半大家在综合楼一层天窗那块集结一下,交流一下有关议题的信息和思想吧,互相转告一下。 傅饶
3朋友不管你到哪里,我们的心永远在一起,不要忘记你的伙伴,即使是一面之缘;远在异国他乡的你,一定会为了家乡的一丝空气而感动。不要忘了 mun和你
3自我感觉良好!!! 索马里……