1141我们承诺 从今天起 每天都到这里来向祭司大人报道!
25我搜集的有六本。大家凑合着看看吧。 每一本我大概介绍一下剧情!
29埃及艳后 by卫风 天,看了之后我觉得伊莫顿早就是神了!!!!!!!! 看了一宿,太好看了
104简介:一个崇拜电影木乃伊的女孩,虽然每一次看都会吓得晚上睡不着觉,但依然喜欢去看。——她就是李苏。 可是有时候老天爷真的会显灵,让我选择穿越到木乃伊,我不后悔我要求把自己的的一切都变成跟安苏娜一样。——选自李苏
6诸世纪 古老彩雕变了模样 历史风干了这一行 把前尘和过往 埋葬金碧辉煌 探觅到不朽的方向 底比斯最后夜晚 是刻骨铭心的绝望 那漫漫沙漠 藏掩住真相 跨越三千年思量 在死别中继续 还是生离中结局 劫难里创造奇迹 让诅咒吟诵封印 剥落掉空虚 铅华洗褪一地孤寂 斑驳沧桑宫墙 遗留埃及满目惆怅 尼罗河的水 早已泛黄 跨越无声冰凉 黑暗中苏醒 禁止的秘密 蛊墓里错过几个世纪 若解读黑经 呼唤起姓名 你又在天堂的那里 苦苦追寻 哈姆纳塔的痴情 那
1614Imhotep is one of the few Egyptian gods (other than the pharaohs) who was actually a real person. He was the vizier of Djoser, a pharaoh of the third dynasty. He was skilled in all areas of administration and royal enterprises. Imhotep was also a priest, writer, a doctor and a founder of the Egyptian studies of astronomy and architecture. Imhotep was known perhaps best of all as the architect of the Step Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, near Memphis. The Step Pyramid was the first structure created by human hands to be built entirely from stone. It was as a wise man and scribe that Imhote13冰冷宫廷的千年恋 http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=159925209 !!——《祭司之爱》!! http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=153831014 ——〈〈千年〉〉 http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=155888683 !——〈安苏娜〉 http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=149255726