35today i met a stranger she was an angel?!!! angel brought me fire and ran away?!!!! she didin't say anything i wanted her to talk about= = she laughed at me as she was a great actress?!!!! she watched me burning down then called jesus to get some prizes= = = = my last words are----- well! what a fxckin day!!!!!911这个帖子没有内容 只有标题 不负责任地飘红 如果到时候有录视频 将会在此帖中贴出 敬请期待3时间:4月11日星期一下午5:10体锻课,预计应该是在5:40左右登场 地点:成都实外五楼阶梯教室 门票费用:免费 演出长度:一首歌 就是这样了,希望大家可以来捧场,谢谢49要灌水的尽管进来~~~