3among us已经火遍各国,今天开一个贴介绍among us和各种among us类型的游戏。 目前已经发现了一些,欢迎小伙伴们补充。 《太空杀》 《我们的派对》
1匿名投票模式:隐藏谁投票给谁的线索; 任务栏设置:可以一直显示,也可以只在会议中显示,或者不显示; 色盲模式:电线任务给电线额外添加了形状提示,方便色盲玩家找到匹配的电线。 Here's a quick look at the beta patch notes: Anonymous Votes - You can now choose to make voting anonymous in order to hide everyone’s votes. This way, nobody will know who voted for who during a meeting. Task Bar Updates - You can now change when the Task Bar shows up during a game. “Always” is the default setting, but you can now s