0山东通裕集团有限公司厂房 本工程建筑总面积为70971平方米,最高跨建筑高度为45.9米,内设500吨吊车一台,250吨吊车一台,150吨吊车三台,32吨吊车若
0Project Name: ChengduSwan Lake, Chengdu, China Height/Construction Area: 1800,000 m2 Owner: Chengdu Century City New InternationalExhibition
0Project Name: Sanya Phoenix Island, Sanya, China Height/Construction Area: 480,000 m2 Architect/LDI: MAD Design Firm, Beijing
0Project Name: ZhongguancunBaixiao Software Research And DevelopmentCentre, China Height/Construction Area: 215,000 m2 Architect/LDI: Engent
0Project Name: GuangzhouNew Museum, Guangzhou, China Height/Construction Area: 67,000 m2 Architect/LDI : XuLiyanConstruction Engineering Co.,
0Project Name: HangzhouInternational Expo Centre, Hangzhou, China Height/Construction Area: 288,000 m2 Architect/LDI: CCDI (Beijing) Co., Ltd
0Project Name: GuangzhouAsian Sports Centre, Guangzhou, China Height/Construction Area: 60,000 m2 Steel Structure Consumption: 8,000tons Arch
0Project Name: HangzhouEast Station, Hangzhou, China Height/Construction Area: 39.6m/ 340,000 m2 Steel Structure Consumption: 78,000tons Arch
0Project Name: AirRail Centre, Frankfurt, Germany Height/Construction Area: 134,300 m2 Architect/LDI: KUK Owner: Bonn IVG Co., Ltd and Frankf
0Project Name: Doha Hamad International Airport, Qatar Height/Construction Area: 600,000 m2 Architect/LDI: HOKSan Francisco
0Project Name: GuangzhouNew TV Tower, Guangzhou, China Height/Construction Area: 600m/ 114,000 m2 Architect/LDI: Mark Hemel Barbara Kuit
0Project Name: MeibangYalianPlaza, Beijing, China Height/Construction Area: 128m/ 190,000 m2 Architect/LDI: Beijing Architectural Design Inst
0Project Name: ShanghaiPudong Shangri-La Hotel, Shanghai, China Height/Construction Area: 180m/ 150,000 m2 Architect/LDI: KPF Owner: Shangri-
0Project Name: RenhengBinhaiCentre, Zhuhai, China Height/Construction Area: 215m/ 308,000 m2 Architect/LDI: NBBJ Architectural Design Company
0Project Name: NanjingJinying International, Nanjing, China Height/Construction Area: 214m/ 148,000 m2 Architect/LDI: French He-Feide Constru
0Project Name: SOHO Guanghua Road, Beijing, China Height/Construction Area: 84,000 m2 Architect/LDI: Architecten von Gerkan,Marg and Partner
0Project Name: Chengda Mansion, Chengdu, China Height/Construction Area: 145m/ 75,000 m2 Architect/LDI: Hangxiao Steel Structure
0Project Name: WuhanMinsheng Bank, Wuhan, China Height/Construction Area: 331m/ 150,000 m2 Architect/LDI: Wuhan Architectural Design Institut
0Project Name: DalianJiahe Centre, Dalian, China Height/Construction Area: 200m/ 62,000 m2 Owner: Jiahe Group
0Project Name: QingdaoCentre, Qingdao, China Height/Construction Area: 238m/ 327,000 m2 Steel Structure Consumption: 10,000 tons Architect/LD
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0主要业绩: 山东公司成立以来承建项目已涉及高层建筑、商务会展、火车站、汽车站、造船、建材、机械、家具、服装、印染、玻璃、化工等行业。涉及框架
0拥有设计人员42名 其中: 工程师 19名 高级工程师 8名 一级注册工程师 3名 一级建筑工程师 1名 工作经验超过十年的工程师: 12名 工作经验超过三年的工程师: 7名
0杭萧钢构成立于1985年,总部位于杭州市,坐落在美丽的西子湖畔。 杭萧钢构是国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业 、国家住宅产业化基地。 杭萧钢构是全国钢