4The Steward Of Gondor - BILLY BOYD Boe le henio E si car athad iyn Ane ah a phen I u athelitha. You must understand. He does the duty of two sons now. For himself; and for the one Who will not return. Home is behind The world ahead. And there are many paths to tread. Through shadow, To the edge of night Until the stars are all alight Mist and shadow Cloud and shade Away shall fade Away shall...fade.
41 荒城之月 玉树临风朵王爷 || 荒凉的城池 千年的战局 听秋云在低泣 || 参(shen)商映夜雨 孤月垂天西 血染青纱衣 || 高墙下我和你 瓮城中两相立 进难攻退无地 相逢又何必 || 忆那年晓风残梦里 谁人来去 || 你曾答应我今生 不再分离 || 伴我轻声吟唱一曲 长相忆 || 草色烟光残照脉脉(mò)凭栏意 || 半江春水绿 || 你曾许诺过我来世 不逃避 || 我曾亲吻过你眉梢 一痕(yǐ)旎(lǐ) || 夕暮苍茫琵琶低语 西风起 白骨拥荆棘 ||
1Pippin's song Home is behind The world ahead And there are many paths to tread Through shadow To the edge of night Until the stars are all alight Mist and shadow Cloud and shade All shall fade All shall fade 远离家乡 世界在前方 千万道路由你闯 穿过阴影 到达黑夜旁 直到群星全都耀眼闪亮 阴霾雾霭 密云遮蔽 都将散茫 都将散茫……
1桃夭 曲:《乱红》 词:湘子岚 烟雨月茫,独夜航。 白苹徜徉,孤影双。 负剑袂扬,西泠桥旁青衣裳。 几许霜丝几曾伤。 犹记过往,桃夭芳。 珠帘婉让,明月珰。 言笑晏晏,拨弦一曲君莫忘。 玉簪桃花画楼霜。 曾几番,少年疏狂。 又怎料,尘世般沧桑。 倚竹望斜阳谁彷徨,昨成今过往。 流年仅余桃衣殇。 间奏 飞云过尽,归故乡。 酒纵愁肠,世忧伤。 枕鸳凄凉,清歌寂寂竹叶觞。 衾凤零丁何寻凰。 容
1送别 李叔同 长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天 晚风拂柳笛声残,夕阳山外山 天之涯,地之角,知交半零落 人生难得是欢聚,唯有别离多 长亭外,古道边,芳草碧连天 问君此去几时还,来时莫徘徊 天之涯,地之角,知交半零落 一壶浊洒尽余欢,今宵别梦寒
1八月桂花香 罗文 将要入梦,几番起伏终不平. 到如今都成烟雨 今夜成空,宛若回首袖底风 幽幽一缕香飘在深深旧梦中 繁华若景一生憔悴在风里 回头是无晴也无雨 明月小楼孤独无人诉情衷 人间有我残梦会醒 漫漫长路起伏不能由我 人海漂泊尝尽人情淡薄 热情热心换冷淡冷漠 任多少深情都像寂寞 人随风波只在花开花又落 不管世间沧桑如何 你已乘风去满腹相思都沉默 只有桂花香暗飘过 music 繁华若景一生憔悴在风里 回头是无晴也无
1《长歌一曲》 每次听到你 总是大风起 每次看到你 却又惊雷起 长烟落日山河壮 你在飘渺云里画里 你在飘渺云里画里 长歌一曲 好风 好梦 好歌 好义气 长歌一曲 好风 好梦 好歌 好义气 长歌一曲 每次想起你 依稀枕边耳语 每次见到你 铁马金戈箭雨 荡气回肠千山外 悠悠在我心里梦里 悠悠在我心里梦里 长歌一曲 好风 好梦 好歌 好义气 长歌一曲 好风 好梦 好歌 好义气 长歌一曲
1《猴子捞月亮》 秉林 词:太伯 曲:秉林 编曲/乐器:binglynn 合音:新英 乐乐 巧儿 幽默对白:掰王五季 够不到天上的月亮 她依然把我照 捞不起水中的月亮 怕把她弄碎了 回头望天上的月亮 她正在冲我笑 低头捞水中的月亮 她又从指间逃跑了 天上的月亮水中的月亮 我都想要 可是我一个也没得到 清清的月亮 顽皮的月亮 你别跑 追不到你呀我真烦恼 我多想变成鱼 我多想变成鸟 不怕那水深和天高 我多想变成鱼 我多想
1朴树-她在睡梦中 作词:朴树 作曲:朴树 编曲:张亚东 好静呀我们的夜 yeah 看着你睡在我身旁 像孩子一样 我多想摇醒你 告诉你我有多么地爱你 yeah 情人啊醒来嘛 快看着我说你也爱我 呜…… 可是为爱我而来人世间 穿过那茫茫的人海 睡在我身旁 我多想留下来 永远在你枕边啊 日夜陪你欢愉呀 情人啊看着我 就这样绝情的老去啊 yeah…… 好爱你耶 yeah……
1Brother Простименя,младшийбрат! 请原谅我吧,弟弟! Ятакпредтобойвиноват. 在您跟前的我,是如此的罪大恶极。 Пытать сявернуть нельзя 已经没有法子可以回去了 Того,чтовзялаземля. 那,大地到底孕育了什麼? Кто знает законБытия, 有谁知道法则的所在? Помогбымненайтиответ. 它会助我发现真相(答案)。 Жестокоошибсяя: 完全的弄错了呀 Отсмертилекарстванет.
2A Hero Comes Home By Idina Menzel Out of the mist of history He'll come again Sailing on ships across the sea To a wounded Nation Signs of a savior Like fire on the water It's what we prayed for One of our own Just wait though wide he may roam Always a hero comes home He goes where no one has gone But always a hero comes home Deep in the heart of darkness sparks A dream of lies Surrounded by hopelessness He finds the will to fight There’s no surrender Always remember It doesn't end here We're not alone Just wait though wide he may roam
1夏天的别称很多,朔其渊源,十分有趣。 三夏夏与春、秋、冬一样,三个月中也分为孟、仲、季,简称“三夏”。古乐府诗集《子夜四时歌·夏歌》云:“情知三夏热,今日偏独甚。” 九夏夏季三个月共90天,遂名“九夏”。晋·陶渊明《荣木》诗序有“日月推迁,已复九夏”句。元·范椁《以琼扇一握奉政黄明府》诗曰:“情知已是秋风后,留作明年九夏寒。” 长夏 本指农历六月,亦泛指夏季,是谓夏季白昼特别长。唐·杜
1传颂之物最终片尾 为你 歌:Suara 君の瞳に映る 私は何色ですか あか深き望むなら 渡そう日の光を 悲しみが溢れ 睑闭じました 零れた雫は心に冻み逝く 勇気は足る何间 弱く交えます 灯の消し揺り篭 眠りを诱う 梦に懐かしい面影を探す 手を伸ばし强く抱きしめたくなる はぁ 君の瞳に映る 私は何色ですか 逢い深き望むなら 渡そう高き空を 喜びが溢れ 眠り合いました 零れず手には别れを隠す 人をいつしか口果
1Candle in the wind 风中之烛 Good bye England"s rose may you ever grow in our hearts You were the grace that placed itself where lives were torn apart You called out to our country and you whispered to those in pain Now you belong to heaven and the stars spell out your name And it seems to me you lived you life like a candle in the wind neve* **ding with the sunset when the rain set in And your footsteps will always fall here among England's greenest hills Your candle's out long before your lengend ever will Loveliness we've lost these empty days wi
2Sarah Mclachlan 英文原文 Spend all your time waiting For that second chance For a break that would make it okay There's always one reason To feel not good enough And it's hard at the end of the day I need some distraction Oh beautiful release Memory seeps from my veins Let me be empty And weightless and maybe I'll find some peace tonight In the arms of an angel Fly away from here From this dark cold hotel room And the endlessness that you fear You are pulled from the wreckage Of your silent reverie You're in the arms of the angel May you find some comfort there
1<半生缘> 黎明 老爷说亦舒与张爱玲的小说最合乎经济效益。几十大洋一本亦舒张爱玲随书附送几十句金句,句句可以自成一首歌词题材,回报率足足几十个巴仙。能为张爱玲小说改编的电影写主题曲都算是换个方式股东派息。 别来还无恙 那年少轻狂却让岁月背叛 流转的时光 照一脸苍凉再也来不及遗忘 两个人 闹哄一场 一个人 地老天荒 聚少离多的纠缠 迷惘是唯一的答案
2Enya Ever close your eyes ever stop and listen ever feel alive and you've nothing missing you don't need a reason let the day go on and on Let the rain fall down everywhere around you give into it now let the day surround you you don't need a reason let the rain go on and on What a day what a day to take to what a way what a way to make it through what a day what a day to take to a wild child Only take the time from the helter skelter every day you find everything's in kilter you don't need a reason let the day go on and on Every sum
2歌词: Only An Ocean Away I see a shadow every day and night. I walk a hundred streets of neon lights, Only when I'm crying. Can you hear me crying. So many times you always wanted more, Chasing illusions that you're longing for. Wish I wasn't crying. Can you hear me crying. There's an ocean between us. You know where to find me. You reach out and touch me. I feel you in my own heart. More than a lifetime. Still goes on forever. But it helps to remember You're only an ocean away. Was there a moment when I felt no pain. I want to feel it in my life again.
1歌曲:the rose 专辑:蔷薇之恋电视原声带 some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need i say love it is a flower and you its only seed it's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance it's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance it's the one who won't be taken who can not seem to give and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live when the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long and yo
1歌曲:你的眼睛 歌手:熊天平 专辑:熊心万丈 熊天平十年全纪录 熊天平-你的眼睛 爱昵忘了苏醒 我情愿闭上眼睛 任凭此生此世长睡不醒 你就是我的来生 爱是绝境 幸福的人不远行 断了春去秋来苦苦追寻 宁愿和你漂忽不定 不让你的眼睛 再看见人世的伤心 投入风里雨里相依为命 用我的痛吻你的心 看着你的眼睛 有太多太多泪不停 心疼你每一步爱的艰辛 苦难的梦特别真心 爱是绝境 幸福的人不远行 断了春去秋来苦苦追寻 宁愿和你
1歌曲名:There You'll Be 所属专辑:The're you'll be 演唱:费丝 希尔 歌词: When I think back on these times And the dreams we left behind I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed To get to have you in my life When I look back on these days I'll look and see your face You were right there for me In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the sky In my heart there will always be a place for you For all my life I'll keep a part of you with me And everywhere I am, there you'll be Well you showed me how to feel Feel the sky was in my reach And I always will rem
1迎春哀曲 ……是你,曾经安慰过我的人。 ——热拉·德·涅尔瓦 风雪没有饮酒却醉了, 在松林里不再发狂, 寂静象是奥菲丽亚 通宵为我们伴唱。 我仿佛看见一个人影, 他竟与寂静化为一体, 他先是告辞,后又慨然留下, 至死要和我在一起。 1963年
3Soul Mate By Natasha Bedingfield