0倭寇来犯,九州乱,你怒发冲冠。 卢沟河旁,白骨盼,忠魂在召唤。 为国征战,不想让,胡马度阴山。
0我曾到过陌生的地方,远行但却不只为了流浪, 德兰古雷的重峦山岗,陌生的名字被深深埋葬。 我曾见到
0小小的人偶,在我怀里吟唱: “无论你去向何方…“ 扭曲的咆哮,遮盖我不得返回的凄凉, 黑眼的威严
1Smelling the fragrance of blood, I find requiem hall A run-down scene, the specter of debauchery singing, Black rosemary blooming vines mean
1Night comes too late Miss I miss take-off flight night long and thin Ups and downs in my eyes I waited too long for too long The shuttle in
0He bears a tale so gloom and tragic never to be known Into darkness now fallen, into hatred now grown Like stillborn child drifting in the s